Religious content

Sep 11, 2006 21:52

First of all I'm disappointed Jelly_doughnut and Josparke apparently didn't have anything to say about a previous post. I also thank isurus4 for her comment. :)


This is mostly for me to have here to remember and all, but you can read too! I didn't think it right to have it in a private post!

Stole From Charles Stanley

Our Source of Comfort

2 Corinthians 1:3-7

The world’s definition of comfort is a life without suffering or despair. But, the Lord has a different view. The hardship He allows in a believer’s life is a teaching tool. We mature spiritually when we exercise trust and faith. So, our Father does not remove the cause of our troubles. Instead, He gives us the encouragement and strength to work through them.

Whether we’re in immediate pain or not, the Holy Spirit is available to us. God sent His Spirit to dwell within everyone who believes. That means, our source of help is as close as our own beating heart. Nobody else understands our need the way He does. When we feel unable to bear one more second of difficulty, He whispers into our soul, “Yes, you can… because I am here.” There’s no healing balm like the soft voice of God’s Spirit.

In some circumstances, the Spirit will direct our minds to Scripture. Reading an appropriate passage is a way to hear directly from the Lord. This is one of the reasons Dr. Stanley encourages reading the Bible during times of trial. A scripture verse may not have personal meaning and application immediately, but God will bring it to mind when it is most needed.

The day someone receives Christ, he or she is sealed as God’s child. The Lord can’t break His promises. He has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). God will not allow us to be hurt any more than He knows we can stand. He’s ever-present to help us. His comfort is available and adequate to meet our need, whatever the level of pain.

Sheeeesh I have a headache! -_-!!!!

bible, my soap opera, god

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