Religious material. I warned you, no flamming and other mean stuff. :P

May 05, 2006 11:14

Yeah this is from a news letter promoting a TV Special. My pastor wanted me to print this in the bulletin and I decided to put it here and in a couple of communities as well.

I won't post the info for the TV Special, but if you want to know so you can watch it, ask me. :P

The Da Vinci Code claims the following as historical fact:

1. Nobody in the early church believed that Jesus was actually divine.
2. Belief in the divinity of Christ was a fourth century innovation, imposed by the Council of Nicea, by a "relatively close vote."
3. The canon of Scripture was imposed on the Christian world by the Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D.
4. The church suppressed 80 "real" Gospels, the Gnostic Gospels, which taught the actual truth about Jesus.
5. Jesus, the ultimate feminist, married Mary Magdalene and had a child by her whose bloodline continues to this day. He named his wife as rightful head of church.
6. Leonardo Da Vinci was part of a secret society, which knew this "truth" about Jesus, and left behind clues about it in his work, including his Last Supper and Mona Lisa

In the TV Special the following truths are proved.

1. The earliest followers of Christ did indeed believe in His divinity.
2. The Jesus of history is the supernatural Christ of Scripture.
3. The Council of Nicea overwhelmingly affirmed the divinity of Jesus Christ.
4. The canon of Scripture was settled long before the time of Constantine.
5. The canon was not something that was forced on the Church, but was rather the Church recognizing the books that God Himself inspired.
6. The many supposedly "competing" Gospels were written much later than the four original Gospels and are much less historically accurate.
7. Jesus did not marry and have children, but rather died on the Cross for our sins and was raised. His bride is the Church!
8. The Da Vinci Code's odd interpretation of Leonardo Da Vinci's artwork has no basis in fact.

From Coral Ridge Ministries

bible, god

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