(no subject)

Aug 15, 2007 01:14

stolen from yuffieleonhart-
lol- yep that would be me---

What's Your Reputation at Hogwarts? (26 different characters)

Quiet Nerd:House: RavenclawBest Friend: Hermione.GryffindorsHarry: Wants you to speak up more during class because he loves your voice and thinks you are quite intelligent.Ron: Hopes that you get less like Hermione as you get older.Hermione: Loves that you study as much as she does.Oliver Wood: Doesn't know who you are.Fred and George Weasley: Try to get you to play pranks with them to crack your tough shell.Seamus Finnigan: Doesn't bother trying to get to know you.Neville Longbottom: Is too busy dreaming about Ginny.Dean Thomas: Bought you a book for Christmas because he had a crush on you.Ginny Weasley: Tried to burn that book so that you would have more time to spend on being normal.Parvati Patil: Is always too busy flirting with the Gryffindor boys to notice you.Padma Patil: Same as Parvati.HufflepuffsCedric Diggory: Doesn't know who you are.RavenclawsCho Chang: Same as Cedric.SlytherinsDraco Malfoy: Picks on you as often as possible because he knows it hurts your feelings.Crabbe: Don't know you.Goyle: Same as Crabbe.Pansy Parkinson: Is always picking on you with Draco.Marcus Flint: Wants to be smart like you, but knows he can't so he makes fun of you for it.Blaise Zabini: Is the only Slytherin who's somewhat nice to you.TeachersDumbledore: Tries to get you to like new things so that you won't be so shy.Professor McGonagall: Likes how you don't talk during class.Professor Flitwick: Knows you are afraid of showing you're true skills in class and tries to get you to demonstrate them in class.Professor Trelawney: Predicts a lonely life for you.Professor Snape: Forgets your name on a daily basis.Filch: Doesn't even know you exist.
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