Aug 03, 2010 11:52
Oh what a life! Vegas is in 5 days and im sick lol. Not crazy sick but the dry lump in your throat sniffly sick :( I have been trying to get better but epic use. I may be bed rest all weekend for the forth, but worth it for vegas. Bah! I guess 2 amazing weeks in a row are enough. AnimeNext was a-fucking0-mazing, and last weekend I went to my friends beach house. It was like a college reunion plus her little cousins on Saturday night. I had so much fun both nights, got a tan, and went to the beach! First time in years! haha i woke up at 8am, grabbed a beer, and started tanning lol. So....maybe two hardcore drinking weekends may result in a slight weak immune system......but still! It better repair if I stay in!
Horrible event alert! So yesterday i go to work and have an email from payroll.......saying to call. I do and apparently social security sent a notice for them to start garnishing my 15% each check to pay back over 3200 thats owed to them....? My first thought was my student loan. It was about that much but I paid it off years ago...maybe they messed up and lost the paperwork? HR had no idea and gave me all the info and numbers they could. I went outside cause I did not want to talk about this in my cube :/ My parents owe the government over 100K last time I checked....and apparently have been just throwing away any letter they get....and since im the only one working in the family....the government decided to collect from me. I had such a sweet lady on the phone that I knew felt bad, she gave me her name and exact number so she can help me through it all<3 She also delayed the garnish for 30 days and is sending me the proper paperwork plus a waiver to bring to the local office and get this removed. I havent seen a dime, havent signed anything, and had no fucking idea about this money. MY parents took this out and owe it, not me. I will take them to fucking small claims court or judge judy if need be, I will not pay that. The fact that its on me is crazy!...I cried...I wont lie...I was outside and after she said it was because of that I cried on hold. Then I held out till my cube...and then I cried once or twice and hide it. Luckily we got a new ceo and had a 1 hour meeting at a hotel at I left at 11 and cried, then went and cried for my lunch. My dad says he wrote back and they never responded to him but thats an obvious lie. Hes trying to work it out but I didnt give him the lady Im speaking too's name just to check up. No matter what Im waiving it and not having this come back. I don't get how this can happen! I never gave my rights to anyone, but since they collected extra in my childhood they can come back now? Its not right....I dont work to pay back my horrible parent debt....I work to try and make a future they couldnt help me with. FUCK! My dad called and is having it transferred to him, but im still waiving it and filling out all the paperwork. This is just so fucked up.......
I tried my best not to cry at work but I did :( Itd be on and off while in my cube. I just really dont get how this can happen.....surprise! Heres some debt! I was supposed to do last minute Vegas shopping after work and really needed to have a good time, but Lauren wouldnt get to the mall till 7ish due to work and I did want to be alone. My amazing amazing boyfriend drove all the way out and had a beer waiting when I got there<3 he also took me for sushi/sake and bought me the clip on bangs I wanted for cosplay<3 Once Lauren came he went back home.....I love him so much<3 If I didnt have him I'd be a fucking mess still cause of this, but he made it so much better. Hes going to help me with the paperwork and making sure I dont get screwed over. Thank god for my hunny<3
So yay for the past 2 weeks and FUCK THIS ONE. Sick and semi screwed :/ Hopefully I win in Vegas and make everything better lol. I'm like not even getting that I leave in a few was more intense months ago lol. Im sure it'll hit me Wednesday afternoon, should be so sick! ahhhhhhh I need it to come now!