Feb 25, 2010 18:32
Oh what a week! So my car....300 to fix it on Friday just to pick it up and have the check engine light pop on. I literally broke lol. no crying or anything, but just kinda went comatose for while. I drank a quarter bottle of nightquill and still couldn't sleep. I woke up at 7 and just lied there. It was horrible! When I broought my car back it was one of two things, either nothing and they messed up and the light came on for no reason, or my transmission was donezo. Transmission cost more than twice my cars worth to fix, so if it was that I was carless. I was a wreck all day on saterday but finally luck was on my side and it was nothing! They rushed the day before and messed up a wire, they fixed it and even cleaned my car before returning it. ahhh my car is alive<3 Its dying a slow and painful death though it seems. I put 700 into it in like the past month and according to my dad its only going to get worse. Its 10 years old with over 100K miles on it :( Im looking for new cars but would prefer to wait till I move and wont be parking in the mud on the side of a road. I hope it lasts and think it will for awhile longer.
Last week just sucked! I was sick, sad, depressed, every bad thing!So glad its done and I hope to not have another one like that for awhile. Hunny started work today! he still there so i don't know how it went....but I pick him up whenever he gets back<3<3 He actually walked in the rain at 4:30ish today and didn't let me drive him! I jumped up and chased him to the door lol but he wanted to get used to it, well see if he does that next week lol. I hope it goes well<3 Now I have to do the dishes and house work though which sucks! normally he got out by noon and played house wife lol. bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
And im working on cosplay tomorrow<3 The V will be done and some skirt<3 Gotta do something with all this new found alone time.