Kingdom Hearts II ~*

Jan 05, 2006 23:18


I remember.. i dashed ALL the WAAAAAAAAYYY to Mid Valley and waited for the shop to open with the rest of my group of psycho KH fans... and we bought the first few copies! YAY! 8D

Here's the thing that pissed me off~

The first few were TERRIBLE!! >_<;; Well, the cover... it was like some 'fakey' looking cover and it had a BRIIIIIIGHT PINK HEART at the back for the background.. how TERRIBLE can that be!? O_O;; OMG.

My bro started playing it first.. then when i head off to my hubby's house or to my friends house, i'll play there..... and its scary to know.....


Yes.. the DOUBLE KEYBLADE features RAWK!!!!! XD Sora looks.. well, cuter~ Though.. i must say.. Roxas does seem to be a CLOUD son wanna-be!! XD Though.. the most interesting part was where i ended up DOING A MUSICAL when we're with Ariel and the rest... i was like OMG.. the first time i saw my friends play it.. then when i did.. i was like.......... " What the........ "

" Andaaa da shiiiiii~~~ "
" Subarashiiiii~~~ "

" Andaaa da shiiiiii~~~ "
" Subarashiiiii~~~ "

Ok... dont .. gyarghh!! I cant get the tune outta my head.. and really.. hearing Donald speak japanese... i can BARELY UNDERSTAND a single thing he's saying.. GAWD forbid!! Really!!

Ok.. maybe YOU can Maiki-chan.. but i cant.. really.. it's like as though someone's speaking GIBBERISH or something... @_____@ So confusing and stuff~

But really.. Sora's new moves are like.. *________* i love him in his white costume~ Demo.... HOW THE NYA can we defeat SEPHIROTH at level 60.......................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know what? The beginning? QUICKLY click TRAINGLE if NOT.... you're like already stuck.. and he's still with his darn omni slash... rarr...!!! >_<;; Ok.. well, for the first 3 - 4 dont-wanna-give-up-and-dont-wanna-lose-to-the-smexysephiroth... you'd probably last for the first 20 - 40 seconds.. but then again, if you're good at picking up, then guuuuuuuud!! Go and get him down to two bars... but MAKE SURE you have LOTSAAAAAAAAAAA ELIXERS.......... he's got like 15 LIFE BARS GOD!! Of all things!!! GYAARGHH!!! WHY la... as what my friend said: " Which idiot would walk or run up to Sephiroth and talk to him!?? " and i gave him a simple: " US!! " ..

Ok.. onto other things..

I find Riku yummy... *_* His white jacket.. i WANNIT!! TT______________TT And apart from that.. hrrmmm... his keyblade is cool..

Oh yeah!! KAIRI!! Mai GAWD!! So darn CUTE!! XD The long hair suits her.. and her.. uhh.. 'flowery' keyblade........ @_______@;;; *swt*

Hmm.. YuRiPa is so darned kawaiii!!! They came in fairy mode.. or can we call them pixies? O_O;; Paine was real silent.. and then after that, Yuna in her Gunner form went like: " Gomen nasaaaaaaaaaiii!!! " and bowed and she had a little ribbon tied to the end of her hair~ *______* And rikku... gah! KAWAII!! XD

Ok.. i dont wanna go continuing all the way... and TIFA.. gah... ;___________; I like her cutesy-innocent-violent personality~! XD LOL!! Real funny~ *_* She says sorry and kicks things and stuff.. lol!!

And Leon knew it all! Ahahahahah!! Ok... *relaxes* O_O;;

Gahaaaaaaa! I shall skoot now~ XD;;

If not i'll like die~ @_____@;;

*Kingdom Hearts madness*

Sore dake~

Bai bai! ^________^

*huggles Maiki-chan for greeting her* ^_^
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