A post of woe and whining.

Nov 06, 2012 15:21

- So, we moved! Not very far, only about a 45 minute drive, but still. Moving sucks. Ugh. At least it's because Jaime found a job, so now we're both safely away from the horror that is academia. I kind of hate the town we moved to, but that's just because it's not Chicago big and/or interesting. It's really no worse than where we were before. I... yeah. Yeah, that's about it.

- I guess I'm getting married? Jaime and I have been together for over eight years, so it's not like anything's really changing, but... I dunno. We're getting married so I can get health insurance. It kinda sucks. I figured when I did get married it'd be... something. And I was always planning to take his name, but now that it's actually happening, I'm torn. I don't want to go through all the hassle of changing all my official stuff when nothing else is changing. No ceremony, no engagement, no real proposal even. Reality sucks, is the point here, I suppose. I know everyone says this, but I'm planning on only getting married once, and for it to happen with such little fanfare and in relative isolation and for such a mundane, practical reason... damnit. Just. Just damnit.

- I'm hormonal and I forgot to take my meds last night so my brain is a mushed up mess of profanity and nerves and I can't stop crying. Aasdlkfjpaoweijfasdlkfj-

waiting watching wishing, slightly hollow, what is this ''life'' you speak of?, fushifuuuuuck, whineration, passing out now, i might suck, my brain confuses my brain., this sucks., plain ol' bitch

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