How I Spent My 8th Anniversary

Feb 13, 2012 21:55

I've gotten a lot of nice things lately - a remembrat, a dragon, craft books, even some dresses - but none can really compare to what I got for Jaime's and my anniversary: a Disneyworld trip INCLUDING the very best meal of my life™.

We started off the trip right: with a small Mickey waffles...

A room with a view...

Some Mickey towels...

And just a smidge of derp.

After that we started the vacation in earnest by journeying to Animal Kingdom. I dragged along my DSLR and attempted to snap some good photos - mostly of the critters, but there's a bit of scenery porn in here as well.

Yeah, I think I like giraffes quite a bit more now than I used to. It was a good morning. Luckily, the evening had its own bit of epic in store.

Oh yes. That's right. Victoria and Albert's. It was beyond anything I even imagined. The amuse bouche consisted of seared duck breast, seared Ahi tuna, cauliflower panna cotta, and a Dungeness crab roulade. After that, I had the bison, the scallop and langoustine, the mushroom soup, the Australian beef, the cheese selection, and the citrus purse, plus the paired wine with every course (with the exception of the mushrooms - I went with the ale there). I don't think I can even put into words how perfect it all was. The scallop didn't have a single piece of grit; the beef? Not even a trace of membrane or gristle. I went into it expecting something great, but that. That was like a dream. It didn't hurt that the wine was plentiful and the company - Jaime, of course - was ideal. Not the sort of thing you can do often, but eight is my lucky number, and this was our eighth anniversary. It deserved extraordinary, I think.

And at the end of the meal? They gave us some small sweets to finish off with, an orange-date nut bread to enjoy later, and a seriously...


SERIOUSLY pretty rose.

So that was our trip! ... Oh, okay, there were two more days. They were a lot less notable, though. We hit up Magic Kingdom the next morning, visited the pupsters after lunch, and swung by Epcot in the afternoon. There, I encountered my nemesis.

I hate that kid. I was concerned about my soul at that point, so after riding Maelstrom, I sought out an ally. A strong one. The only thing more powerful than the evil Norwegian child - the evil Norwegian troll.

I also took a quick trip to a shrine of Talos. Y'know, just in case.

Bring it on, Fish Killer. Your puny little knife and dead-eyed stare don't scare my supernatural posse.

... Anyway, we closed out the trip by revisiting Magic Kingdom again on the third day, then we picked up Benny and Opal and headed home. The pups got their own little vacation too - a room at Best Friends Pet Resort and some bonus playgroup time with the other dogs there. Judging from the report cards and photos I received, I'd say they also had a good time.

stonking, flail flail, whoosh!, lessthanthree, photographic evidence, wonderful world, happy & hoppy, petlings, jaijinks, celebrate!, mouse ears, snanimals

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