Whoa whoa whoa, other people (
present company excluded)
don't ship Klaine?! Joy!
Highlight of the thread:
hi kurt, i'm your out and proud gay mentor, let me flirt with you for 3 episodes :D
wait, never mind, i'm in love with this closeted guy at the mall, let me sing him a pop song that references sex toys at his workplace
oh hey, i kissed a girl while drunk off my ass and now i think i'm bisexual, oh wait no kissing girls is gross when i'm sober
hey kurt, i know i told you on valentine's day that i don't want to screw up our relationship but do you know you're about as sexy as a dog taking a shit?
oh wait never mind kurt i totally love you now that you dressed in black and sang a song for a dead bird....
.... but i can't dance with you at your prom because i suddenly have school-dance-related ptsd even though it makes no sense combined with my previous behavior!