I accidentally my life.

May 31, 2011 19:14

Madeline and Caroline - I have a scarf and shot glasses for you, respectively. E-mail or PM me shipping addresses, please?

Anyone else whose name ends with "line"? I'm sure I can figure out something to make for you.

As a side note, anyone have any advice for a girl who isn't on disability but feels like maybe she should be? A... uh... friend of mine... has a job that she's struggling just to show up for and she's not sure what to do. She has a long history of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and she thinks she's in the middle of a major depressive episode, including having issues falling asleep before 4am but also randomly shutting down, just completely crashing, and sleeping during the middle of the day. She really doesn't want to work anymore; she wants to focus on not feeling so goddamn horrible all the time. But she needs the money. What do, flist. What do.

my friends are awesome, what is this nonsense?, slightly hollow, what is this ''life'' you speak of?, crafty bitch, fushifuuuuuck, hahaohmygosh, passing out now, my brain confuses my brain., this sucks.

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