Life, whyyyyy?

Apr 06, 2011 18:48

Exam tomorrow. Presentation tomorrow. Aaaaaah.

Let's think of bright things instead, shall we? So, Chris Colfer is simultaneously the definition of adorable and the coolest person ever. I think he's officially replaced Lambert as my imaginary bestie. Oh, and Pullip Style actually has some in-stock Squalls. Outside of my price range, yes, but still quite pretty to look at.

What else, what else...

Kilts! Some hot, some haute, some just hilarious.

I finally got myself a Dreamwidth - I'm Rinnia on there as well. I'm hoping Livejournal doesn't bite the dust anytime soon, but just in case...

passing out now, flail flail, glitter and neon and slap bracelets, what is this ''life'' you speak of?, makeover makeover, omgwant

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