To kill some time until my next experiment:

Jul 28, 2010 12:22

Neat little meme, yoinked from bedlam_nonsense:

A - ACCENT: Standard American, though every once in a while I get a slight Southern drawl in my vowels, which kind of horrifies me.
B - BREAST SIZE: Nnnnn, not small. Let's leave it at that.
C - CHORE YOU HATE: Washing cups. I don't know why, it just destroys me. Well, anything with bleach destroys me worse and in a different way. Stupid sensitive lungs.
D - DAD'S NAME: Joe!
E - ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: Does lip balm count? I always have at least one chapstick, three glosses, and a pot of balm on me. Besides that, mascara.
F - FAVORITE PERFUME: Hellcat by BPAL and Noa by Cacharel.
G - GOLD OR SILVER: Silver, all the way.
H - HOMETOWN: I come from the last frontier.
I - INSOMNIA: On and off. I always have issues falling asleep, but most of the time they let me get to sleep between 1 and 3am. Sometimes... not.
J - JOB TITLE: Graduate assistant. Woot woot.
K - KIDS: None, and I doubt I'll ever have any biokids, but I'm leaning towards adoption. Someday. Far from now.
L - LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: 1/1 apartment with my boyfriend, a dog, and a snake.
M - MUM'S BIRTHPLACE: California.
N - NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: Uh, what? Waaaaay too many to count. I like apples.
O - OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Where I was checked in, none. Accompanying someone else... somewhere upwards of 30 nights.
P - PHOBIA: Clowns. Silence. Heart conditions. To some extent, vehicles. Earwigs.
Q - QUEST: The mystical pursuit of a PhD? Um, gamewise, I'm currently attempting to avoid getting turned into a brainless monster-thing for not completing my focus.
R - RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: None - I'm an atheist.
S - SIBLINGS: One brother, one step-brother, and one step-sister. We're almost going all Brady on your ass.
T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: Somewhere between 6 and 10am. I'm kind of sporadic.
U - UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS YOU'VE WORN: I had semi-purple hair once. For like two days. My hair resists all attempts to alter it.
W - WORST HABIT: I chew on things. My fingers, pens, toothpicks, headphone cords, you name it. I try to combat it with mint consumption sometimes, but then I end up eating entire tins in the span of a few hours. It's a bit annoying.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Not sure. My abdomen's definitely been looked at a few times.
Y - YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: Pumpkin pie! I also make a mean soy-sauce-and-brown-sugar salmon.
Z - ZANY QUIRK: Just one? Uh... when I have steak, I find the most perfect, leanest, rarest bite and save it for last. On a similar note, I can't eat savory things after sweet. It just doesn't feel right.

waiting watching wishing, but it's fun!, bored bored bored, imprint that meme!, my brain confuses my brain.

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