Aug 20, 2011 23:41
I don't know why I bother keeping LJ or fc2blog, especially since I don't ever really use them. LJ is more or less to keep up to date with a few peoples' lives, and yaoi groups. However... fc2blog is officially dead. Too busy tumblring. Don't even know why I re-made deviantart either... ESPECIALLY since I don't really cosplay anymore... Lastly... why twitter? I suppose the only real use for it right now is for instant msg from people or the updates I want on pre-reg for comic-con tickets. Other than that... no real use.
Anyways... my existence will fade away in due time. I think my internet presence is dying. Barely reblogging anything due to sheer laziness. Most of the time, I'm just doing some form of work relating to my travel abroad and etc. Aside from emailing and making final arrangements, I casually check out tumblr or for updates on any Wally/Dick fics.
Oh well... I might become traditional and start mailing letters instead. Oh the hassle... I won't have proper internet for about a month after next week. Gotta buy a new laptop first and then think about hooking up a net service.
Okay... quick update on my life:-
- Came 5th in Royal Sydney Salver
- Came 1st nett winners with my male golf partner in NSW Mixed Foursomes Championships. $300 together. WOOHOO!! (totally worth getting up at 5:30am just to get to New brighton by 7:30am)
- Won Mid week medals comp at my home club. Won't be able to represent district or something because it's in October (complete bummer)
- short game is shit. Long game is better in both distance and consistency
That's just golf...
Now for life.
- my ex contacted me.
- Got my visa last week and booked my tickets. Will be flying on the Friday.
- Been shopping and got heaps of crap.
- Cleaned out my room and chucked out 10 bags of rubbish (70% being cosplay related... what am I talking about? 90% orz)
- Up to Pre-adv 1 in pole now. A bit bummed I won't be here to learn the rest of the Shake it routine (so much sass in that routine) and the beautiful glory box for pre-adv 2 orz
- Saw Cap America with a friend. Was awesome, a bit slow at the beginning, but heaps of fun.
- Saw Green Lantern (advanced screenings) with Jill, aully, James and Steve. Had heaps of fun. The movie was heaps of fun. Not overly amazing but enjoyable. Ryan reynolds being ryan reynolds.
Aside from that... there's nothing else really worth mentioning.
I wouldn't mind if I became one of those people who're too busy to be on the net every night. Instead, reading, studying and making the most out of my time in the US. I think the thought would be rather exciting. Of course I'll miss everyone here. But man... only 16 months though... I hope I make the best out of the opportunity I'm given.
Last entry for awhile...
To all my friends on LJ. I'll keep up to date and check up on you all!! I won't be doing much writing on my part. I seem to loathe and detest my writing skills at this very moment. Need to brush up on my grammar and english for the next 2 months. Seems like the utmost priority right this minute.
Anyways... Adios ~