If you've been taking vacation from LJ for the past month and thus missed this meme and want to play, the rules are this:
1. Reply to this post with the word PIRATES and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
But obviously, I'm doing this mostly to talk about myself, as usual :) Those were picked by
PRAGUEFIC <3<3<3 For now, Michael/Ethan are a slash pairing in that fic, but the undertones are SO there.
I remember when I made this icon, I was thinking/hoping it'd cause some amusing ship!wank (yeah, I'm a little naive), but alas. At least someone could appreciate the OTPness of the most famous badfic villains. I mean, the potential of future evil ass!babies whose life purpose will be to destroy the Kinney-Taylor family? Not to be taken lightly. I can't believe there's no badfic about this pairing yet. Or is there!?
Ahaha, I think I was watching the Old Spice commercial on Youtube when I made this icon and me and the association central in my mind was trying to be smart and referenced that other body spray. Also, we all know ATWT is no Emmy material and yet me, you, you and you, and you are all watching this frustrating mess because of Reid Oliver and the sizzling chemistry between him and Luke. I'm not sure whether there's witchcraft or mind-manipulation involved here, but it's all Reid's fault.
The beginning of the most unimpressive Apocalypse in the history of television :D
Generally SPN fandom seems to think seasons 1-2 of SPN are the best thing since the invention of internet and after a girl!demon joined the Winchester gang, things went downhill at the speed of light. But I was bored with the MOTW episodes, because let's face it: SPN is no X-Files. But when the story arcs grew bigger and bigger, I became a happy fangirl. I'm generally happy with SPN the way it is, though I'm aware of its flaws I'm very rarely disappointed with the writing, I love the drama and even the Chuck and the Becky. The comedy episodes in SPN are what hooked me up and they almost never disappoint. Any show that makes me care about its characters like SPN is an awesome show, so haters to the left.
Flirty!Luke is paging Dr. Oliver to his bedroom, haha /old joke
Nobody likes a cock tease, Luke! (except Reid). But since experts claim that this soap is not going to ever give us two naked guys touching, the cock teasing is the best we'll get and I actually like it, too :D
I made this for the 'knight in shining armor' prompt in the icon100 challenge. Ah, good times. That was lots of fun and lots of frustration. But the best part was choosing a non-obvious picture for each prompt, and this Connor Whatshisface guy as Rage was the alternative to the obvious choice of Brian in any of his sekrit missions. And while I was at it, and I needed and 'OMFG' icon, this happened.
Yeah, so once upon a time I had enough icon space to host a few icons for each of my favourite shows, for a variety of purposes, but that was long ago. This is one of Cassie (skins) icons I made for
lemonbargirl and I kept it because "OMG WTH" icons are very important on LJ and they're needed often enough to warrant having more than one. The cap is from when Cassie finds out if all the dick jokes people tell about Chris are true.