I'm Using Me Mum's Computer

Nov 20, 2005 20:21

To borrow from senegalensis , a plus-minus day:
  • + I am having Flat Tire beer and chocolate truffles with cocoa powder on them. I'm just this tipsy enough to be amused by the fact that in Britain it'd be called Flat Tyre beer.
  • - I had a horrid dream last night that I had enrolled in Berkeley, and was being taken about by these snobby little 19-year-olds for orientation. They kept trying to point out who were the in-crowd to "hang with" and who were the outcasts. I kept trying to convince them that at 25 I was beyond caring. Then my first prof talked to me like I was six years old.
  • + I got to go over to Cody at dusk. The sun had set enough to that the last of the light was a narrow gold band on the horizon behind the indigo backdrop of the mountains. It looked so inherently western that I have expected David Carradine to ride by on a pinto named Blue.
  • - I then spent about two hours wandering aimlessly around an everything-goods store whilst my mother bought Yule goodies. There's only so many scented candles that one can sniff before they all start to smell the same. Also, flourescent lights are the debbil.
  • + We went to the only good grocery store within nintey miles and I was amazed at the cheese selection.
  • - Due to Wyoming law they have no wine in grocery stores. Also, no one in this bloody part of the continent seems to know what oolong tea is.
  • + I've been able to do a lot of drawing this weekend and think that I could actually be an illustrator for a while.
  • - I'm still living out of my suitcase, and I miss my cat and I missed captaindirk 's call.

But I've still got my health so why should I care? I've got my vitamins A B C D E F G H I--'ve still got my- got no diamonds got no wealth I've got no men but I've got my health.
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