over all, it cost Php1300

Feb 14, 2007 21:46

For creative writing class. We're supposed to writing something using a tone or mood that's ironic to the subject of that...thing. (...Or at least I think so. I'm kind of confused.)


It was a perfectly ordinary morning.

The engine hummed as I lightly pressed down on the gas pedal, urging the car to go a little faster over the clear expanse of road. Beside me, my mother was speaking, commenting on my driving and giving me a few tips. My grip on the steering wheel was relaxed; the side and rear view mirrors were well-adjusted. The road was a familiar one--the same road we traveled along everyday to school.

It was just a perfectly ordinary morning.

"Anak, may jeep! Brake! Brake!"


...Or maybe not.

"Sorry, sorry po talaga." I said over and over. Beside me, the jeepney driver stood silently, surveying the damage. We couldn't see much of the jeepney (there was a car plastered to its backside, after all), but it didn't look too hurt. Sighing in relief, I turned instead to our car.

I stared.

The car was...crumpled. There was no other word for it. The hood was puched back into folds like some scrunched-up piece of metallic paper. Pieces of black things were sticking out, dripping what I hoped was water. A few unidentifiable car parts were lying mangled on the street.

I wondered for a moment if it was going to explode, like cars do in the movies.


My mother got into the car's driver's seat and backed our car up. As one, the jeepney driver and I turned to look at the jeepney.

A small piece of metal at the bottom was bent awkwardly. The drive kneeled down and twisted it back to position. There, good as new.

I looked back at our car. Wrecked beyond recognition.

Life really wasn't fair sometimes.

A few dozen more 'sorry's, 'it's all right's and 'thank you's later, the driver and his jeepney sped off. My mother and I watched them go for a moment before turning back to the car.

"You know," my mother began. "It's a good thing that the jeep had been empty."

I nodded somberly.

"Somebody could have gotten hurt."

I nodded again.

We were silent until we reached the car.

"So," I said casually. "Shall I drive?"

My mother gave me a look.

cw10, written, things that happen

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