Aug 22, 2010 21:28
Ok, so I'm all moved in~ Got very lucky, as our fourth bedroom has no one in it, so I don't have to worry about a potential problem person (instead, I get to be it xD). Not sure if it's quite sunk in that this is where I'm going to be living for the next year (or longer). Also not sure if it's quite sunk in that half of the money I make each month is going to be going to rent and car payments - and those are the planned expenses.
Unrelatedly, I've come to the conclusion that a big reason I like Arashi so much is that I like all of the members - as opposed other bands I've liked (American and Japanese) where one or two just sort of fell by the wayside for me. I rather like the feeling.
And classes tomorrow! I'm hoping all the drama watching I've been doing will make up for the fact that I've forgotten all the Japanese I ever learned and then some. Here's to hoping having friends in my Chinese religions class will help me get through it without murdering anyone.
Here's to hoping it all works out.