Nov 29, 2013 23:59
i went through all of the game's dialogue files and organized them, and renamed many of them for organization purposes. here is the breakdown of the game's dialogue files, by category, in order of most text (per category) to least. things after the "//" symbols are my comments about special things i need to change in them.
[camp mode]
mercedes camp mode (includes memories set and dearvenus set): 46.9kb [arbitrary order]
spare camp mode: 40.0kb // combine and add new gameplay elements where needed [arbitrary order]
neotheo camp mode: 34.0kb // update [arbitrary order]
ikks camp mode: 29.6kb // update, add new gameplay elements, combine some old ones [arbitrary order]
venus camp mode: 23.9kb // update, perhaps expand a bit with sidestories to even up the dialogue [arbitrary order]
[story events]
[intro stuff, up to finding venus] thelaunch group, encounter, recovery, venusdream, venusjoin, venusjoinb, soundchain, theointro, tracking: 15.8kb [specific order]
[core A endings] absorbed group, deathaphrodite, extralife, deathaphrodite, halffriended, halfhurt, lastlife, takecontrol: 14.4kb [specific order but with branching]
[alternate ending B] htfc: 13.5kb // hidden town [arbitrary order within that "town"]
[finding neotheo event] neotheo1, neotheo1b, neotheo2, neotheo3, nearneotheo: 7.3kb [specific order]
[alternate ending C] escape, escapetheo: 3.9kb [specific order]
[alternate ending D] getaend: 3.9kb [specific order / single script]
[duck blind & hostile mode stuff] mercedesduckblind, return, hostiledeath, hostilemammoth, nothere: 3.2kb [specific order with optional elements]
[finding spare event] sparemoment: 3.1kb [specific order / single script]
[finding ikks and jewel event] followingikks, jewelrises: 2.8kb [specific order]
prologue: 1.5kb [specific order / single script]
[system scripts, parallel story progress]
teleport: 59.8kb [specific order]
research: 30.6kb [specific order]
theo: 24.5kb // shmup-dream mode dialogue [arbitrary order]
first encounters: 21.8 [arbitrary order]
alpharepo robots: 20.5kb [arbitrary order]
explorescript: 17.7kb [specific order]
terrascript: 14.2kb [specific order]
entrances: 9.1kb [arbitrary order]
limit: 8.7kb // lake limit, includes alternate ending E [specific order]
commtower: 7kb [specific order]
quickstart, debughelp, editorhelp, help, credits: 6.8kb [gameplay help stuff]
tut group, memorycells, whatsthat, grabbed1, grabbed2: 6.5kb // tutorials [gameplay help stuff]
ares group, aresaphrodite, aresfriended: 5.8kb [specific order]
boss: 4.5kb [arbitrary order]
demoexpire: 2.1kb [specific order / single script]
death scripts: 0.8kb // possibly add alternatives for theo [flavor, used randomly during game overs]
saturated dreamers