I'm taking advantage of Winter Break to indulge in some fanarts drawingness. Yes, indeed!
"The first 5 people to comment on this post get to request a sketch of their choosing from me. Post all fandoms you're willing to draw for."
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Comments 24
Er, that is to say; I should rather like to request a Mononoke sketch, mademoiselle. ♥ I always have wanted to see the Medicine Seller preening next to a peacock, and it seems as though I might finally get my wish.
OH SOLTICE/YULE/HOLIDAY THING. I don't even know what you are and aren't anymore, but you have brought some delicious Rinka with you. And so you are my favourite.
Yeah, I've been missing you like crazyazyazyazyazy, so today is a wonderful day. And, you know, you're right; I haven't really art spammed lately. I think perhaps the time has come!
You, dearest, have the absolutely most greatest ideas. My only question is whether if this is supposed to be an LOL!image or pretty-verse: a crack-up version where the Medicine Seller is literally preening (like a bird!) beside a bemused/befuddled peacock or where he's checking out his nails while leaning against his feathered fowl friend.
Regardless of what you meant, I kinda want to do both; I'm just wondering what you intended. ♥
B-but I cannot express how awesome crack would be, now that you've got me thinking about it. XDDD Oh man; wild neon colours, ridiculous expressions, flowery hallucinations ON ACID.
UM. I would, of course, like to DEMAND both from you, but I'm afraid of giving you an unnecessary workload. So. DO THE CRACKY ONE, PLZ. I'm thinking it'll be easier, since you won't have to worry about pesky things like perfect anatomy (ahahaha), and it will definitely be worth many, MANY lulz. ♥
AND THEN. If you find yourself with time and interest in the future, perhaps the lovely version (and I) will come caaaaaalling. That would be amazing. EEEEEEE.
Of course, I'm already delighted beyond all reason to be talking to (typing at?) you in the first place. It is the GREATEST GIFT I HAVE RECEIVED THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. And I have no idea where I was going with that statement, but there it is. So, HA. ♥
OMG, I OWE YOU ( ... )
Tasha suggested something that involves Yami Malik and cannibalism.
You can choose which one
I had no clue so many of my fandom art wishes were porny until I tried thinking of one that wasn't... >_>
Tasha posted this before I could even finish my post....
"Bwahaha! I am totally taking advatage of your generosity.
Hurrr. Howabout RyouYuugi/YuugiRyou fluff? And... dice? I dunno what else to add to make this more than a pairings request. And those D&D dice things are neat. OMG THEY COULD BE L.A.R.P.ING!!! :o
Tasha suggested something that involves Yami Malik and cannibalism...
You can choose which one you'd actually draw.
I had no clue so many of my fandom art wishes were porny until I tried thinking of one that wasn't... >_>
You need to send me your Christmas wishlist, missy! And we need to get together ASAP. It's been a WHOLE DAY or something since I've seen you and I'm suffering side effects from it."
Quick question first however:
Does Tasha want crack!cannibalism, pretty!canibalism, or scary!cannibalism?
Meanwhiles, dice!fluff is entirely doable. Anything for you, Missy!
I promise you porns next time - not that I don't owe you some already. Hush, hush!
P.S. Please forgive me! I totally forgot to ask my mother about the whole doujinshi thing! Regardless, however, I'll have to wait until she gets back before I can useth the credit cardeth. The hell, we're both legal, so why do I still need to depend on the 'rents yet?! Any news from Celga?
Well, after much debate, *with Erika's involvement so she might be getting another pic she wants to see out of this* I settled on Yami and Malik joining together in one of the fandoms favorite pastimes: Yugi abuse.
I'm not sure what it would entail, except for Yugi crying, and possible chains. Honestly, though, any kind of Yugi abuse works with those two.
*By the way, Erika tried to write this originally, and it turned out she couldn't without sounding like herself, so I got to take over again. She doesn't want me to say this, either, but I'm going to anyways.*
I only started writing it because Bri is a shy mo-fo and couldn't approach your glorious self without help. So there! All similarities to my own fandom interests are purely coincidental, no matter what the TRAITOR says.
My comments seems to have started to dominate the page.... >_>
Love to your Mononoke!icon by the way, regardless of the fact I know where it came from. How far are you into the show by the way?
:) Does this mean I could still request a sketch? :)
If so, could I see a Schala/Glenn (the Chrono Cross dragoon Glenn, and Schala as she looked in Zeal) sketch? Maybe something a bit romantic, them smiling at each other, his hand on the small of her back...something subtle (and happy!) like that?
Yeah, I love weird and rare Chrono pairings. :)
If you're busy, no worries. I just thought I'd ask just in case! :)
You just snatched up the last slot; consider it done. ;3
Glenn (the first time I read this, I was like Frog!Glenn?) and Schala as a couple is definitely not something I have ever thought of. This will be fun, especially considering I've never really tried my hand at any Chrono-related fanart before. ♥
About a year ago I set out to write an unusual fic for the Chrono!verse. Glenn (the Acacia Dragoon) was my favorite male, and Schala was my favorite female (the blue-haired Schala Zeal, mind you, not the amalgamated Kid-Schala Zeal), and throw in a weird fascination with the Einlanzer, and volia! A year and 105,000 words later, I'm about to complete the longest story I've ever written, and Schala and Glenn have become my new Chrono OTP (next to Kid/Serge, that is :)
Yeah, I'm weird, I know. *shrug* :)
And Glenn is such a cutie. I always felt bad about not saving Kid during that crucial point in the game, but getting Glenn is "I want, I want, I want!". Yummy. ♥
Wait, wait, wait, you've written a story for this couple?! Why have I not seen this beaut? Please show? Pretty please?
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