Title: Tell Me About Evan
Fandom: SGA/SG-1 AU Fusion
Series: Part of the Keri ‘verse (Mid Keri)
Characters: Kate Heightmeyer, David Parrish
Pairing: Parrish/Lorne
Rating: PG
Orientation: Slash
Word Count: 578
Note: written under the influence of 3/4 bottle of 2009 White Riesling
Prompt: For Hcbingo: “Counseling”
The door chime bleeped. Kate checked her watch and was glad to see that her patient was right on time. That was always a concen with him, that he was so far detached from reality that he would miss the appointment. “Come in!”
The door swished open and David Parrish hesitantly stepped in. “Hello, Doctor Heightmeyer.”
“Hello, David, you’re right on time.”
He held his wrist up to show her his watch. “I set the beeper. I was involved, it made me stop.”
“Please, come and sit and tell me what you were involved in.” Kate gestured to the sofa, but David avoided it and sat in the hard-backed chair, one of the mess hall chairs. Unusual choice.
“I was transplanting a few pallets of a grain plant called rocoba, the seedlings were finally big enough this week to move them from under the heat lamps,” David explained with a smnall smile. “I think this batch will actually take hold.”
She smiled encouragingly. “It seems that this makes you happy.”
“Rocoba tastes a lot better than tava beans.”
Pulling a face Kate had to agree that this would be an improvement.
“We need to talk about Evan, David.”
“I don’t want to talk about Evan.”
“Kate.” He was going to be stubborn today. She sighed. “Then let’s talk about Sub Commander Sheppard.”
He tilted his head. “What about him?”
“Have you spoken to him lately?”
He shrugged. “I saw him in the mess hall. I said hello, he said hello.”
“Don’t you think he would like to talk about Evan? He was Evan’s best friend. He is greiving too.”
David looked away, towards the windows where the sun was beginning to set. “You are more than welcome to talk about Evan with anyone you like, Doctor Heightmeyer, including Sub Commander Sheppard.”
“You need to work through the pain.”
“I happen to like my pain, Doctor Heightmeyer, it is one of the few things I have left now that truly belongs to me. I resent you trying to take it from me.” David refused to look at her again.
When ten minutes passed in unnerving silence, Kate sighed again. “David.”
“I’m not trying to take anything from you, but why do you wish to continue on like this? You are not doing Evan’s memory a disservice if you move on with your life.”
“I do not wish to move on.”
“Would Evan want this for you?”
He turned on her, rising up out of the chair slightly as he pointed at her, “Don’t presume to know what my panor would or would not want!”
“I asked you to tell me what he would want, David. I didn’t know Evan, I never met him. I only know of him through the things you and Sub Commander Sheppard have told me. Please, I am trying to understand all of you better. I cannot help you unless I can understand.”
He looked lost. He sat back in the chair, wrapped his arms around himself and began to rock slowly.
“David. We don’t have to talk about what you’ve lost, about Evan’s death. Talk to me about Evan. Tell me how you met, tell me about his childhood, tell me about the last vacation you had together. Anything, David, just talk to me about Evan, help me understand this person that meant so much to you.”
He was silent for a long time. Slowly, quietly, he said, “Evan liked to paint…”