100 Words x 4

Jun 03, 2011 22:47

Title: 100 Words x 4
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Jack, Sam, Cam, Maybourne
Orientation: Gen
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 400

Notes: This was an exercise in restraint, to see if I could, actually, somehow limit myself to only 100 words.

This is hard!  Little is hard.  Concise is hard.

So here's 4 day one drabbles @ 100 words each for the stargateland Prompt Challenge.

02- SG1, Jack O'Neill / Samantha Carter, Amnesia.
“So, what’s it like?”  The man asked, looking at her.

“What’s what like?”

He waved a hand in a circle near his head.  “The amnesia.”

The word didn’t mean anything to her, but then again, most words didn’t.  “What’s amnesia?”

He sighed.  “Forgetting everything.”

“I forgot everything?  Why?”

The man pointed towwards her head, “You knocked your noggin, Carter.”

“Am I Carter?”


She smiled at him.  He seemed to be waiting for her to say something, he rolled his hand and prodded, “So, what’s it like?”

“What’s what like?”

“The amnesia.”

“What’s amnesia?”

“You know what?  Forget I asked.”

19- SG1, Sam Carter & or / Cameron Mitchell, secret santa
Mitchell crept along the corridor, the wrapped parcel concealed under his jacket.  Thus far, he had managed each drop without getting caught.  This was the last one.

The locker room was empty.  He checked the combination Teal’c had written down for him and opened Sam’s locker.  He carefully placed the gift inside and closed the door.

He jumped out of his skin when he saw Sam standing there watching him.

“Caught you.”  She reached in and picked up the present, sniffed at it and smiled.


“Momma’s, she sent them.”

“Thanks, merry Christmas.”  Sam leaned over and kissed his nose.

35- SG1, Jack O'Neill & Harry Maybourne, deep down I care about what happens to you
Jack glared at Maybourne over the desk.  This hearing would hopefully bring everything out in the open.  Everything that the slimeball had done, had covered up.  Crimes of the sort that made O’Neill cringe, made his skin crawl.

Looking up, Jack saw the arbitrator enter the room and he grinned when he saw Richard Woolsey.  There was no way Maybourne was walking on this, no way in hell.  It made Jack very, very happy.  He needed to see Maybourne get wahat was coming to him.  He had not cared about the outcome of a hearing so much in many years.

03- SG1, Samantha Carter/Jack O'Neill, potentials and possibilities
She hadn’t taken much notice of him, beyond the fact that he always had annoying comments to make during her science briefings.  She wondered if he was really as dense as he seemed to be or if it was an act.

When he turned up in her lab, looming over her table, she couldn’t help but notice him.  He had nice eyes.

“Join my team?”  He asked without preamble.


He shrugged.  “For the fun.  For all the cool crap we’ll find.  Think of the possibilites.”

“I see the potential for mayhem and death.”

“That too.”

It was that simple.

size: under 500, orientation: gen, com: stargateland, challenge: drabbles, pairing: sam/jack, fandom: stargate sg-1, rating: gen

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