Help the South auction ends today at 6 CST
I've got offers
Here and
This is a repost of the other offers I found as of 5/6, don't have time to update it now, I'm flailing at my desk at work to catch up before my boss comes in.
In the
helpthesouth Auction, I found the following folks are offering Stargate fic (I was up to page 7 at 11am EST - 5/6):
logans_girl2001 Here caitriona_3 Heregeonncannon Here
cata_clysmiic Here
stormylullabye Here sageness Herecamshaft22 Heresomehowunbroken Here
csichick_2 Here
rinkafic Here
mrswoman Here
regularamanda Herepenknife Here rubygirl29 Here ivanolix Here shanachie_quill Here settiai Here undeny Here rivulet027 Here earyn_black Hererodlox Here jo_graham is offering other
Stargate of interest