My Muses Died.

Jan 08, 2016 01:12


Having many issues. During which, my muses either died or deserted me.

Nanowrimo came and ppfffttt, nada, zilch, nothing. I ended up reworking an old story just to have something to do in November. I am not proud of this.

New year, new starts.

I'm currently unemployed. January 22nd, I am going back to college, full-time. I have a Bachelor's in History, which is doing me little good in my job hunt. I plan to get a Bachelor's in Accounting now. I need 21 more classes to do so, I just need to take the required stuff for the major. *sigh*

I'm scared shitless, I have not taken a math class since 1984, and I have to start with college algebra. I foresee tutors.

I have an idea for the Stargate Reverse Bang, so I'm going to try to force some muses to work between now and January 21st. Ha! (Public humiliation of muses commences, please laugh and point at them)
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