I Am, Actually, Alive

Aug 12, 2015 12:02

Hello to anyone still out there.

I have not written a word since the last Reverse bang in 2014.  While the body lives, the muses are still in stasis.  What I did attempt to write was so dark and morbid, I couldn't continue.

Long story short, in April of 2013, my boss was indicted for defrauding the banks of 90 million dollars, he got 30 years.  Since then, I have been sitting at my desk every day, collecting a dwindling paycheck, as the company was forced into bankruptcy and slowly dismantled around us.

We never thought we would still be here over 2 years later.  I was holding out for a severence package, but it ain't happening.  I also still had my benefits, but that ends August 30th, so, out the door I finally go, taking a layoff.  I already feel lighter of spirit.  Without the insurance, I'll make more money sitting home on unemployment, and there will no longer be people cussing me out and screaming at me for things that are not my fault and that I cannot do anything about.

My hope is that once I get my head together, the muses will wake once again.  I'm going to force the issue and do the SGAReverseBang this year.  I also want to continue Broken!John.  And perhaps a little trip into Keri, to check in there.

We (Mom, brother and I) have a rescue fur child that we adopted at Thanksgiving.  Her unconditional love has kept me going through some extremely Dark Days.  I love my pitbull, Pepper.

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