On the Stroke of Midnight

Jan 28, 2013 12:32

Title: On the Stroke of Midnight
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Characters/Pairing: Aurora/Phillip
Rating: Gen
Orientation: Het
Word Count: 674

Prompt: Cotton Candy Bingo: Midnight
Note:Happy Holidays fo

Aurora’s breath caught in her throat as she entered the palace’s Grand Ballroom and saw the holiday decorations for the first time. Each year the palace held a Holiday Ball on the last day of the year or the first of the new year, depending on your outlook on the matter. Each ball had a different theme, it was always a treasured moment when Aurora reached the top of the stairs and saw the room. This year, there were bells and birds adorning all the garlands and wreaths. She started for the staircase just as the clock began to strike the hour.

Her pink and white ball gown swished and moved around her as she took the steps, her pink jeweled slippers barely made a sound as she landed on each tread of the curving stairway. Excitement made her want to run down the stairs, but princesses did not run in the palace.

Her hand trembled slightly as she touched the smooth wood of the banister. She was nervous, because this was the night that the announcement would be made and her life would change forever. No longer a child after tonight, she would be a betrothed woman, one day to be a Queen. She kept her smile in place, hiding her nerves, a princess must have a calm demeanor at all times, under all circumstances.

The music began as she stepped onto the parquet floor of the ballroom, rising in a glorious crescendo. Her father had made certain to bring the most talented musicians in the land for this ball. The sound was beautiful, she committed it to her memory and would never again hear that particular piece without thinking of this holiday ball.

She looked around the ballroom, but did not see her prince. She managed to hide her frown - princesses must not frown in public.

Her mother and father took to the floor, dancing around the perimeter to officially open the festivities, as was the custom. They danced quickly to the lively tune the orchestra played. The superstition was that one needed to made a full circle of the dance floor before the next chime of the clock, for good luck.

The clock was still sounding the hour as she searched the crowd around the edges of the dance floor once more for her beloved. He must be here, this was their night. The arrangements had all been made.

Her father smiled as he and her mother danced right up to her, their golden crowns glittering int he torchlight. Her father bowed to the queen and took Aurora’s hand, leading her to the floor for her turn.

She clung to the king’s hand, trying to keep her lip from trembling. What if he wasn’t coming? How embarrassing it would be to have a betrothal ball and no prince!

She almost stumbled, but caught herself, the pace of the dance faster than she had anticipated, the steps quicker than those she had practiced with the dance master.

Her father turned her suddenly, moving them off the dance floor and over towards the large tree decorated with glass, crystal and paper ornaments. When they moved around behind the tree, there he was, waiting, a broad smile on his handsome face. His dark blue doublet shone with gemstones that twinkled in the light. Her father released her and Phillip held out both hands to her. She went into his arms and he swung her around the tree and out onto the dance floor.

The crowd applauded and there were sighs and exclamations of delight as they appeared and made their own circuit of the dance floor just as the clock finished chiming the hour, the first minute of the new year was upon them. Aurora smiled up into Phillip’s face and he leaned in and kissed her forehead, breaking with propriety in such a sweet manner that surely he would be forgiven the small display of affection for his bride to be.

The End

Originally posted at http://rinkafic.dreamwidth.org/

pairing: aurora/phillip, fandom: ouat, for: philstar22, orientation: het, size: 500 to 999, cc: midnight, for: holiday gift

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