csichick_2 's example, I'm gonna do a fic for the
Help the South auction
My offer post is
here (coincidentally, right under my mentor's offer)
Text of it is here:
Username: rinkafic
Email address: " "
You can see things I’ve created at: Live Journal Master List
I am offering: Fiction of at least 1000 words
Stargate (any pairing, slash, het, gen)
Supernatural (any pairing except Wincest, slash, het, gen)
Doctor Who (any doctor, slash, het, gen)
Torchwood (any pairing, slash, het, gen)
Harry Potter (Gen only, please)
Buffy (het or gen)
Angel (Will attempt any pairing but would prefer Wes/Fred)
Original fiction
*Will do crossovers.
Additional info: Challenge me, I love a good challenge.
Starting bid (in USD): $ 5