State of the Disunion

Sep 05, 2012 13:52


I am not firing on all pistons today.  Not at all.

RL: It is almost 2pm and I still have a full email inbox.  I also have not touched my major account at all.  How is it 2 already?

As to the muses... they are not with me.  They all got pissed off at Dragon*Con because I started pushing them back towards original fic.  Burt is off on a carrot binge. Dingo is traipsing around somewhere near Baltimore because she (purposely?) missed our connecting flight home from Atlanta.  Helga refuses to come home until I clean up the horrendous mess in the living room, which pissed off the IE - that's her job - and now she has gone missing as well.

I think maybe I'll go straight home for a nap after work.

[edit to add]
Yeah, people probably don't want to hear me blather on and on about my trials and tribulations of attempting to get published.  This was meant to be my fiction journal and it sort of took over from my regular journal.  And if I get published, y'all can say you knew me when, right?

After a discussion with two editors after a panel, I was advised to keep my original stuff separate from my fan fic and my personal bullshit.  *sigh*  So, I'm moving my original stuff from Dreamwidth to Livejournal - in a surprise backwards move - because djmcnulty @ dreamwidth is full of gen fanfic now and I'm too lazy to clean it up.  If the IE was here, she'd do it but she stormed off in a huff.

I wouldn't mind at all if people friended my original fic journal, I promise no cross posts, no personal BS.  Just occasional short fics.  Apparently editors goto these things and look them over when considering people for publication.  djmcnulty@livejournal

In keeping with the last statement and the discussion I had, I've decided that the Telpa and Magor 'verses fanfic stuff will eventually have to come down from the open public web because of publishing rights and entanglements and such when I take it original fic.  I'm not deleting it, nor am I taking it off LJ or DW, I will, however, be flocking those verses, eventually, sometime.

I'll be going back and flocking a bunch of stuff, just in case some editor or agent comes across my fanfic stuff.  I'm not embarrassed that I've done fanfic, but apparently, some things can influence a decision to take on a writer or not.

It tweaks me that numbers and "social media" are considered BEFORE someone is taken on by an agent, editor or publisher.  I'm sorry, I want to spend my precious free time writing, not off promoting myself. How can I have stuff to promote if I have to spend all this time out there "making a name" and "garnering a following"?  *sigh*   So, please, go bulk up my numbers. DJMcNulty on LJ, If you're on Twitter, it's @_DJMcNulty - because apparently there's another DJ McNulty that is inactive and hogging my name!

I'll go away now.

muses, rl

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