B is for Beat

Aug 27, 2012 22:41

Title: B is for Beat
Fandom: Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairings: Vala, McKay, Jackson. Vala/McKay, (implied Sheppard/Mitchell, implied prior McKay/Sheppard)
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,094

Prompt: Caning

Notes: huge thanks go out to race_the_ace  who prompted me when I was stuck with a few paragraphs that became the first 200 words or so. The Velociraptor great white shark penguin is all Ace. *giggle*

The SGC was full of Atlantis people, the place jumping with preparations to get rid of them all. Vala couldn’t wait until the place calmed down again. She wandered into the mess hall for lunch, but there was no space left to sit, except over at the table where McKay was holding court. There was no other word for it, the annoying man was pontificating about some theory, waving his hands around as he shouted “Velociraptor great white shark penguin, blah, blah, blah.”

Hot pants Sheppard was sitting next to him, smirking as usual. Cam sat across from his new flame, they were playing footsie under the table, no doubt. (Vala was still trying to figure out how to get cameras into their quarters, she had curiosities about that whole relationship that Cam would never indulge.)

She sat down across from McKay and noticed something. He’s odd with Sheppard now. They used to have an easy way between them, but now McKay is too quick to jerk his arm away when he accidentally bumps Sheppard’s elbow. He’s too loud in what he says afterwards. But he’s always too loud. He has too much energy. Too much... everything. The man was just too much.

She wishes he would shut up. Vala wants nothing more, in that moment, than to be the one to shut him up. She wants him quiet and quivering in front of her in silence. As she sits there and he keeps talking, her need to make him quiet gets stronger and stronger. Eventually, she can’t stand it, she shoves her tray aside and leans over the table, grabbing him by the front of his jacket and pulling at him until they are nose to nose.

“I’ve determined that you need something, McKay. You need something very, very badly. Level 25, Room 2538, half an hour. Be there, or be sorry,” she let him go and pushed away from the table, sauntering off before anyone could say another word. That was the best way to be effective: strike and dodge - make the point and get the hell out.

She detoured to Daniel’s office, he had what she wanted for this. He looked up as she entered and watched her cross the room to the corner where an old umbrella stand was filled with a variety of things. “What’re you up to?” he asked casually as she rooted through the items.

“Oh, just borrowing something.” She straightened and held up the rattan cane she had seen before and smiled cheerily at him. “I’ll return it.”

“That isn’t a walking stick, Vala,” he warned.

She winked and grinned over her shoulder. “I know. I’m not walking.”

Vala went to her quarters and quickly changed into a tight leather outfit that she liked. The one with a high, stiff collar. It should help with the mood. The mood was important for this. She slapped the cane across her palm, it had good snap, good give, a nice edge. It would be perfect for what she wanted. She wanted to beat the silence into him.

She knew he’d come. And he did, right on time. He knocked, and when she opened the door, she saw it in his eyes, he wanted it. “You need it.” Vala held up the cane, lightly tapping his nose with the shaft. “You want it.”

He eyed the shaft of the cane and bit his lower lip. Then he opened his mouth, about to spoil everything.

“If you say a word. One single word, I will close the door in your face.”

McKay shut his mouth quickly. Vala smirked, she knew how to pick them. She stepped aside and he walked into the room. “You’re here for one thing, then you’re getting out. I don’t want kisses, I don’t want cuddles, and above all, I don’t want talk from you. Strip and stand by the wall, lean on it, palms flat, feet spread.

He quickly divested himself of his clothing and draped it over a chair in the corner. He didn’t make eye contact with her at all as he took the position.

She kept the first five light. “You need to learn to be quiet. I want you quiet.” Five light lines of pink met her eye when she walked over to examine his backside and thighs.

Satisfied, she stepped back and laid five more, crossing over the first, a bit harder this time. McKay took it in silence, jerking slightly, but keeping his forehead pressed to the wall and swallowing down on the pain.

Vala checked again, all was good. The next set would welt up. She gave him eight before she stopped and walked over as he suddenly slumped forward against the wall. “Red or purple?” she asked him simply, giving him the choice to stop or go on.

“Purple,” he rasped and she smiled.

She let the cane whip loudly through the air so that he could hear it as she beat him with five more lashes, slower, but harder. Trembling, shaking, he jerked with each strike this time, and she saw that he was biting down on his arm to keep from shouting out. One could say anything else about the man, but he knew how to take a beating.

She checked again, running a hand over his very red buttocks. “You’re done. Any more and the skin will split. Get dressed and get out.”

He nodded, slowly turned away from the wall and shuffled to the chair. She watched him wince as he tried to bend to put on his trousers. She sighed and went over to him. Crouching down near his feet, she helped him step into the trousers and pulled them to his waist. Their eyes met as she stood and did up his zipper and fastened his belt. She saw gratitude there in his eyes, but thankfully, nothing soft or mushy.

He didn’t attempt to say anything and he didn’t look back as he left her room. She went to the bathroom and washed the cane off and dried it carefully.

Humming tunelessly to herself, she wandered back to Daniel’s office. Letting herself in without knocking, she went to the corner, sliding the cane back into the place where it had been earlier.

He was watching with curiosity when she turned around. “Back so soon?”

“All finished. Thank you, Daniel.”

“Do I want to know what that was about?”

She smiled at him and slid over to lean on his desk. “Not really. I like to keep things quiet.”

The EndOriginally posted at http://rinkafic.dreamwidth.org/

kb: card 2, fandom: stargate atlantis, alphabet soup, rating: r, fandom: stargate sg-1, sga: rodney mckay, as: b, sg: vala, kb: caning, size: 1k to 1499, pairing: vala/mckay, sg: daniel jackson, for: race_the_ace

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