Title: Y is for Yoke
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Lorne/Chuck
Rating: NC-17
Orientation: Slash
Word Count: 1,736
Prompts: for Lornefest: Fetish
Kink Bingo: Bondage (other)
Cotton Candy Bingo: Comfortable/Content
Ten Tropes: Fetish
“I found something cool to play with,” Evan said in an undertone as he leaned down over Chuck’s arm and pretended to read his computer screen. “I have a feeling you’re really gonna like it.”
“How so?” Chuck pretended to be casual, not looking Evan’s way. He recognized that tone. That was You’re Gonna Get Laid Voice. He shivered slightly in anticipation.
Evan dared to press closer and whispered, “Because you’re the kinkiest bastard I know.”
He couldn’t help it, he looked over at him. “What did you do?”
“Souvenir. Twenty-thirty. Don’t be late.” He sauntered off, whistling, leaving Chuck to wonder what he’d found now. It was going to be a long three hours.
He didn’t pause at the door to Lorne’s quarters. After making sure he was alone in the corridor, he opened the door and went straight in. “Strip!” Evan snapped, coming out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel over his wet head. He was naked, and Chuck’s mouth went dry at the sight.
Looking around as he took off his clothing, he tried to see what Lorne had brought home from the market planet. He was constantly on the hunt for weird Pegasus sex toys. Their relationship had gone from casual friendship to a hot and heavy sex partnership when Evan had figured out that they shared the same predilections. Their dynamics meshed perfectly, Lorne was a bossy, mildly sadistic top and Chuck was a bottom with a penchant for minor pain and bondage.
“What did you find?”
“Kneel!” Lorne barked, apparently in a monosyllabic mood today and ready to get right into their sport. It must be good, usually, he liked to show off and brag a little, talk, relax, sometimes shower or make Chuck massage him. Not today. Lorne pointed to a spot on the floor near his feet.
Chuck went to his knees and bowed his head, waiting. He heard something scrape across the floor and he peeked. Evan was dragging something around from the other side of his bed. It was big. “How did you sneak that on the puddlejumper?” Chuck asked.
He closed his mouth and bowed his head again. Now under a command, if he spoke, he’d be punished. Lorne might withhold whatever toy or gadget he had if Chuck pushed him. The worst punishment Chuck had ever had from Evan was being sent home, simply ordered to dress and get out. Learning his lesson after that, he didn’t push. Evan would give him what he needed without any shenanigans to bring on a punishment.
Something thunked down beside him on the floor. “Put your hands up,” Evan said.
Chuck raised his hands, expecting to be shackled or cuffed. Instead, Evan moved around behind him and grunted as he lifted up the thing from the floor and set it across the back of Chuck’s neck. He looked to his left and his right, seeing a wooden board extending out to either side. “Evan?” he whispered, confused.
“Shh,” a gentle reminder not to talk, but no punishment for the slip. “Put your wrists in the indents.” There was a curve in the board as it settled against Chuck’s neck. Evan lifted a second board and moved around in front of him, lining up a metal hinge at one end of each of the boards. He pushed a thick metal pin through the hinge and then swung the board around, lining up the indents for his wrists and neck. “Stocks?”
“A yoke. Stocks would be in a fixed position. I can move you around with this on you.” He drove another pin through a hinge on the other end. “I could put a lock on here, but I don’t think that will be necessary, you’re usually a good pet.” Evan stroked a hand along Chuck’s face and over his hair. “Aren’t you?”
He nodded, his chin banging against the board as he did so. He loved restraints. Restraints were his thing, and Evan was always happy to oblige him. Bound tightly, he could come just from being forced to hold his position. He let out a shuddering sigh as he tried to bring his hands down but could not. The yoke was heavy and awkward; he couldn’t really move very well.
Evan was circling him, movement caught his eye and Chuck thought he saw the shake of leather. The distinctive sound of the cat whipped through the air and struck against the back of his thighs. He jerked forward, the yoke an unfamiliar weight and barrier. He hissed out a breath as the next stroke came. He trusted Evan to take him at the right pace, they’d been together long enough now that they knew each other. He hadn’t found anyone that fit him this well before, anyone that he trusted to touch him the way he liked to be touched. Lorne would mark him but not cut him. There wouldn’t be blood. He never had to worry about an accidental trip to the infirmary with embarrassing questions to answer.
“Okay?” Evan asked, crouching down in front of him and tilting his head back, looking into his face.
“Mmmm. Good. Heavy.”
“Too heavy?”
“Nooooo, good. I like.” It felt so good.
Evan smirked at him and stood up. “Down,” this time, Evan pushed on the wood, forcing him down. Once Chuck was prone, Evan put a foot on the yoke, holding it in place. “Stay.”
His cock was pressed to the floor, his neck being dragged down by the weight of the yoke. He couldn’t move his hands, and all he could see was the floor; the yoke obscured his view. Already on the way into the zone after the flogging, he slipped completely over as he laid there on the floor.
“More?” Evan asked from somewhere above him.
“More, please.” Evan obliged him, laying the flogger across his ass and back. As it landed Chuck grunted, it was warm stinging, lovely stinging. When Evan decided he’d had enough of the flogger, he tossed it aside, Chuck saw it slide past him across the floor. Then Evan’s weight pressed onto his thighs, straddling him. Evan used his knees and feet to force Chuck’s legs together and he simply sat there, holding him captive. Chuck loved this warm, living bondage that Evan added in now and then.
Evan slapped his ass to get his attention, which stung deliciously. “Good?” He must have taken too long. There was another sharp slap. “Chuck, answer me,” Evan said in a stern voice.
“Okay. I’m fine.” He was drifty. “Are you gonna fuck me?”
“Do you want me too?” Evan laughed huskily. “I will if you want it.”
Chuck thought about it. “Yeah. New. Wanna see how it is like this. Heavy.”
Evan slid off his thighs and walked past him on the way to the bathroom. Chuck could just see his bare feet, the yoke was keeping him from looking up to watch Lorne’s movements. When Lorne returned he proceeded to slick him up with lube, Chuck moaned at the touch of fingers on and inside him.
“Keep your head down, ass up a little,” Lorne ordered, putting an arm under his belly and lifting him to urge him up slightly into the position he wanted. His hips were up just enough for Evan to have access to his butt. The yoke pulled his head and neck forward, keeping him held down. He was loose enough from the lube that Evan slid into him easily. With the heavy yoke, he didn’t shift forward as much as he might usually as Evan pushed up against him. Chuck’s cock was rubbing slightly against the floor with each of Evan’s thrusts. He closed his eyes and let himself sink into the feeling of being filled as he was held firmly in place by the wood resting on his shoulders.
Lorne grunted and came, his fingers digging into Chuck’s hips hard enough to leave bruises. After he withdrew, he pushed Chuck’s legs together again and straddled his thighs again, pressing him onto the floor. He sat there for a while, just holding Chuck firmly in place.
Then Evan slid off and pulled one of the pins holding the end of the yoke closed. It roused Chuck from his daze, and he started to protest, “No, no, please. Not yet. More.”
“Shh. Enough for tonight. We’ll do this again, I promise,” Chuck could tell that Evan was handling him, he had that bossy but cajoling,after sex-tone that he got sometimes. He pulled the yoke off Chuck’s shoulders and set it aside. He didn’t want it to be over, he still wanted more. He reached a hand out towards the wood, crawling towards it a little.
Evan caught him around the waist and pulled him back against him until Chuck was sitting in his lap. “More,” Chuck whimpered, wanting the weight back. He leaned forward and away, wanting the floor again. “Please, Ev. Please.”
“We don’t have time, we gotta sleep.” Evan hid his hand around Chuck’s cock and was stroking him slowly as he pressed his lips to Chuck’s neck. “Come for me, Chuck. Gimmee your hand.” Evan guided his hand to his cock and wrapped his hand over Chuck’s and stroked together with him. He slumped back against Evan, trembling as he came. “That’s it. Good. That’s right. Next time, longer. I promise.”
When he was done, he went completely limp in Evan’s arms. Evan held him, keeping his arms pressed tightly to his sides, a little light bondage as Chuck came down and leveled out. Evan prodded him up and over to the bed. “You’re staying tonight, get in bed.”
Chuck slid under the covers and curled on his side as Evan went to the bathroom for a washrag. He came back and washed Chuck off, then rolled him onto his back and cleaned his cock. He tossed the wash cloth aside and climbed up into the bed and pressed up against Chuck’s back and wrapped his arms around him. “Ok, I’ve got you. Get some sleep.”
Content, Chuck relaxed and yawned. “I liked the new toy,” he whispered after a while.
“I could tell,” Evan said, giving him a squeeze and kissing the side of his face. “I do too. It was really hot, seeing you like that.”
“You find the best stuff,” Chuck sighed and snuggled down into Evan’s bed. It had been a good night; good sex and the rare treat of being allowed to stay over with Evan all night. He went to sleep with a dopey smile on his face.
The End
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