20 Fandoms 8/20: Playing Doctor

Jul 14, 2012 18:43

Title: Playing Doctor
Fandom: Castle
Characters/Pairing: Javier/Lanie
Rating: Gen
Orientation: Het
Word Count: 558

Prompt: Kink Bingo Fill: “Medical Kink”
Owemeolympics 20 Fics n 20 Fandoms

“So, can we?” Javier asked, looking up at Lanie with puppy dog eyes as he leaned over the exam table.

“Javie...” she chewed her lower lip, annoyed at him for asking, again.

He slapped the metal exam table. “We don’t have to do it here, we can go to your place. I’m very good at pretending.” Again, the puppy dog eyes, big dark, sincere and so adorable. She sighed. “I suppose. I can’t take anything home from work though, don’t ask me to break regulations, Detective Esposito.”

Affected an affronted air, he pressed a hand to his heart, though his eyes were dancing with delight. “I would never even think of suggesting such a thing, Doctor Parish!”

“Go on, out with you. I have reports to write. I’ll see you at my place at eight.”

“You’re the best.” He leaned over the table and kissed her. He wasn’t breaking the kissing at work rule because there were currently no cadavers in the morgue.


There was a hesitant knock at Lanie’s apartment door at a few minutes after eight. She went over and peeked through, seeing the top of Javie’s dark head just below the peephole. What was he doing down there? He knocked again. Actually, he just scratched at the door and called her name quietly.

She opened the door and he stumbled through, dramatically holding a hand to his head and another to his stomach. He was playing already? Damn the man for his enthusiasm, she was hungry and had wanted to eat first. She sighed and got into her part. “Oh, Javier! What’s happened?”

“Attacked, outside.” He slumped to the floor and rolled over onto his back as she closed the door with her foot. “They got me bad.” He coughed feebly.

“Are you hurt?” She knelt down beside him, eyeing him professionally to be sure this really was him playing at being hurt. He winked at her and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Let’s get you onto a bed.” There was no way she was playing sexy games on the floor by the front door, fantasy or no fantasy.

He rolled over to his knees and let her pull him up and walk him to the bedroom. He flopped across her bed and groaned, covering his eyes with his arm. “Let me get my bag,” she said.

Javier dropped his arm and sat up to look at her. “You have a bag?”

“Of course I have a bag, I am a doctor. Now, lie down before you bleed to death.”

He grinned happily at that news and resumed his role as the patient.

After setting a few things on the bed beside him, she put her stethoscope around her neck. She pulled out rubber gloves and made a show of snapping them loudly. Then she began to undo the buttons of his shirt. She pressed the stethoscope to his chest and listened.

“Well, your heart is strong. No problems there. Take a deep breath.” She did a simple exam, drawing out the steps and stating the obvious by describing what she was doing. Javier was eating it up, his breathing was fast and she could see that he was excited by the game. He was practically wiggling under her hands.

Who knew her boyfriend had a thing for playing doctor?

The End Originally posted at http://rinkafic.dreamwidth.org/

kb: medical kink, orientation: het, rating: gen, fandom: castle, 20 fandoms, size: 500 to 999, kb: card 3, com: owemeolympics

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