5 Bedtime Stories for Torren - 3: Mama Sang

Jun 13, 2012 17:55

Title: Mama Sang
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon, Teyla, Torren
Rating: Gen
Orientation: Gen
Word Count: 608

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Ronon is conscripted for babysitting

Prompt: Love Bingo Fill: “Motherhood” 
SG-1 5 Things: 5 bedtime stories told to Torren

Teyla had not expected to enjoy motherhood as much as she had thus far. Torren was a joy that she could not have anticipated. Everyday he brought something new into her life. She and Kanaan had fallen into a comfortable relationship, parenthood suited him and they worked well together. She was quite happy and content, so much so that when she learned that she was to have another child, she was very pleased and planned a special getaway to the mainland to tell Kanaan the news.

When she asked Ronon if he would come and watch over Torren, the former runner had been a little reluctant, but had agreed when Teyla told him that Torren would be bathed and already in bed by the time she and Kanaan were to leave for their moonlit picnic.

Torren might have been in bed, but he wasn’t asleep. Teyla almost cancelled the plans when she saw Ronon’s panicked look, but then her friend had ushered them out the door insisting everything would be fine.


“You’re supposed to be asleep,” Ronon said gruffly to the small boy sitting up in the bed with a stuffed dog under one arm.

“Not sleepy,” Torren replied stubbornly. “Tell me a story.”

Ronon picked up the chair beside the bed and spun it around, straddling it and propping his elbows on the backrest. He thought about the stories he knew, but most were more suitable for taverns and locker rooms than for sending recalcitrant little boys off to sleep. “What kind of story?” he asked, stalling for time.

“When you were little like me.”

“I was never little like you, I was always big,” Ronon grinned at him.

“You were not. Mama said everyone was a baby one, even you. She said when you were little you lived on Sateera.”

“Sateda. Yeah, I was a baby once. But I was a big baby. My mother said I was the biggest baby that was ever born in our district.”

“Did your mama sing to you? My mama sings to me.”

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to remember his mother. Warm brown eyes, long sandy brown hair, soft and gentle hands that soothed away his hurts. She’d had a laugh that was quick to come and always cheered him. And her voice; like Teyla his mama had possessed a voice worthy of singing the praises of the gods. He opened his eyes and looked at the boy. “She sang,” he answered.

“Can you sing what she sang? I want to hear.”

Ronon cleared his throat and tried to remember the words and melody. He tried to translate into English as he went.

“Sleep, my child, for dawn comes soon.
There are so many adventures for you in the day.
Sleep my child, I shall be here.
Mother shall guard you in the night.
Sleep my child, mother loves you, sleep, sleep, sleep.

“My mother sang it a lot better,” Ronon said, but Torren smiled at him and snuggled down with his stuffed toy.

After yawning, Torren asked, “Can I meet your mama?”

“Someday, when you go to join the Ancestors.” Ronon looked at the small shelf beside the bed and found a storybook. He picked it up and opened the cover and began to read an Earth story about talking toys. He stopped, relieved to be done, when he saw that Torren had nodded off.

Before leaving the room, he adjusted the blanket and turned the lights off. There was a small night light beside the bed and he smiled in memory of the light his mother used to leave burning for him.

The End

fandom: stargate atlantis, sga: ronon dex, y_2012 lb 9 square, sga: torren, rating: gen, orientation: gen, size: 500 to 999, sga: teyla, lb: motherhood, 5 things

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