Poopie doopie on the poop deck

Jun 09, 2012 09:40

This day is not off to an auspicious start.  Slept through the 6am alarm, did not get out of house until 7:25.  Raced to ferry, but roads blocked due to a stupid fire dept parade in town.  Missed the 8am ferry by 1 minute, literally.  They had just hung the chain, it was stll swinging :(.  Am on 9am ferry, which means I'll be 2 hours late for Springfest.


I've got Lappie, but as usual, the cursor is bopping all over the place.  I have to watch the screen as I type.  No wireless, the ferry wifibroken.

I've started on the Reverse Bang Pinchhit,  still not sure if it is landing in Goddess verse or Angel verse, though I am leaning Angel.  
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