Jun 08, 2012 12:15

I am still in the Atlantis Big Bang.  I thought I wasn't.

Haz gotz no plot.  Arrr.  Garrhhh.

Ok, not a big, big deal, I just checked the dates and the first draft isn't due until Aug 15th.

And it's Atlantis.

I am not going to think about it now because I still have the Reverse bang pinch hit on my plate and I'm Nano-ing at the moment.

As for my Camp Nano piece, I hit 26k and the middle of the story last night, so that's good.  I should be able to wrap it around 60k.

The muses are going to absolutely, positively torture my ass to no end on the drive to Massachusetts tomorrow.  I might take the ferry just so I can use the laptop for an hour of the trip.

muses, nanowrimo, rl, nano camp, bang: atlantis bb

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