Get Your Words Out - May

May 31, 2012 23:36

So, I'm pledged to do the "insane" level, 350k for the year.

I'm only tallying stuff I published.  And this month I was a busy beaver.

In-Fernal Son 5089  
Not What You Believe  1227  Wednesday’s Child is Full of Woe 1958

Mouse of a Dog 1879  
Wimoweh 2628   
Reflections on Glass 549  
Missing Ianto 1,460   
The Monster’s Enemies 1279  
Breaking the Rules  670  
For Your Own Good  3008  
Affair, Remembered  751  
Not What I Want  622 
Whose Turn is it?  1012  
5 ‘Ships and Ships Jack Stumbled Into 4,060 
Stop Drifting Now, Please 599  
In Your Hands  1035 Too Far  732 
Proof of Plan  781 
Star Crossed  606

Blown Up Sir  892  
One of Us  1069  
One too Many Mistakes 546
Everyone's Favorite Telpa 2,291
A is for Advance  2,750 
B is for Breakup  1520
C is For Comatose  1727  
H is for Heavenly Intervention 790
M is for Mindswap 2645 
N is for Need 10025

P is for Pain and Poison  1148  
T is for Touch   3219  
Y is for Yes 2,699
Z is for Zoecastra Laylandnra  2463 
100 Things (Original Fic)
Soft Life  752   
Orange Jell-O 560    
First Day on the Dark Side 1202   
Cut In 1001   
Works Hard for His Living 1031   
Fair, of Face 683  
Far to Go 915  
Full of Grace 676   
Loving and Giving  1203

Child of Woe 1438   
Bonnie and Good  1280    
Autumn of Our Lives 596    
Heads in the Sand  797  
For My Babies  580  
Finding the Grove   1635   
Love at High Speed   - 802  
The Light Time  651  
Chasing the Words 525 
Warm Embrace 1087  
The Sunny Spots  587  
Bottled Up 590 
Battening Down  2039  
What Comes First   521
The Dragon Prince 1,064

Total: 85,944
... and then there was this little thing:

Panor 132,508

May Total:  218,452
Year to Date: 322,906

gywo: tally sheet

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