30 Days of Ships Day 6: Stop Drifting Now, Please

May 23, 2012 11:15

30 Days of Shipping Day 6: A series you have many ships in

Title: Stop Drifting Now, Please
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character: Chuck
Pairings: Sheppard/Weir, Sheppard/McKay, Sheppard/Teyla, Sheppard/Lorne, Sheppard/Ronon, Sheppard/Mitchell, Sheppard/Chuck
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 599

Prompts: For Love Bingo Fill: “Defining Us”
10 Tropes Fill: “I Can Change My Beloved”

Chuck knew when it started what kind of guy John was. He was sex on legs and seemingly oblivious of it. People naturally gravitated towards him, hit on him, picked him up. He was beautiful and sexy, and he made Chuck’s heart thump crazily. John floated from relationship to relationship, or perhaps to him it was simply encounter to encounter, without getting permanently attached to any of them. Chuck had an excellent vantage point for watching it happen, it was fascinating to watch and food for Chuck’s daydreams.

First had been Elizabeth. Sheppard had been completely unaware of the fact that the administrator had fallen for him and fallen hard. Eventually, he had either gotten a clue or Elizabeth had made a move, because things got a little hotter between them for a while.

Then McKay caught Sheppard’s eye and he drifted off, leaving Elizabeth to pine and stare at his back as he got closer to McKay. Chuck suspected that the McKay thing had continued, on and off, over the last few years. He felt kinda of sorry for the doctor, being Sheppard’s fall back boy, the one he ran to when he wasn’t involved with someone else. But McKay seemed to be okay with it, after all, he kept taking him back.

Chuck suspected that Teyla was the one that called it off between them. She was so calm and her manner as laid back as Sheppard’s that even after they were hands off, they managed to remain friends.

The hottest and most intense hookup Chuck had observed had been when Colonel Mitchell and SG-1 had turned up in the city on the way to a mission. The sparks had been flying between the pilots from the start, evident for anyone who knew what to look for, and Chuck knew what to look for. He happened to catch them in a clinch in the meeting room when he went in to clean up. He’d cleared his throat politely, apologized quietly for interrupting and declared that he hadn’t seen a thing. Sheppard started smiling at him more often after that. He also sat with Chuck in the mess hall if the rest of his team was not around.

Lorne and Sheppard were doomed from the start. There was no way an alpha male like Lorne could be second both in public and in private. Taking orders from a lover was difficult, under the best of circumstances, and Atlantis was anything but that. The affair was quite brief. Sheppard went straight back to McKay, who had bought them a pair of remote controlled cars to play with in their off time.

Likewise, the thing with Ronon didn’t take hold, though Chuck had seen the early signs of something. There were touches and looks in the Gate Room. But Ronon didn’t seem the type to keep things quiet and on the down low, which was the way it had to be for Sheppard if he wanted to stay out of Leavenworth. A shame, really, Chuck had some pretty intense fantasies about them together, he could only imagine what the reality had been like.

When Chuck caught his eye and they started hanging out and then ended up in bed, Chuck had hopes that it would be different with him. He could give John Sheppard something the others could not; understanding and patience. Their relationship was real. It was more than a fling. It wasn’t just a tryst or a romp in the sack. It was going to last. It was the real thing.

He just needed time to make John see it. He could get John to settle down, he was The One, he knew it. He had to be, because Chuck loved him, despite everything, he loved him.

The End Originally posted at http://rinkafic.dreamwidth.org/

pairing: sheppard/chuck, fandom: stargate atlantis, y_2012 lb 1st card, 30 days of shipping, sga: chuck, rating: gen, lb: defining us, 10 tropes, size: 500 to 999, tt: i can change

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