Mar 30, 2012 22:58
How is it month end already?
I'm 'officially' 7000 words behind schedule for my goal for Get Your Words Out this year. I am not panicking because I know something they don't know... I've got 2 big bangs that I haven't counted the words for yet. Muwahahaa. Yeah, Ok, I'll shut up now.
I failed Supernova. *pouts* This is the first big deadline I've completely flopped on. I'm gonna sulk about that for another day or two.
The good news is, the IE gave it a valiant try. Panor advanced a little, but more importantly is now edited up to snuff, with all the crazy plot changes, character deletions, storyline mutations and chop and cut and pastes done to my satisfaction. My betas might actually recognize the story and the adaptation of their suggestions. I even have a timeline with DATES. Whoa Nellie! Too bad it is on 8 1/2 x 11 in pencil or I would share it. Evil Writer is a Tease. I should be able to get it done before amnesty is over. If I didn't have Icon this weekend, I might have pushed harder and been able to force it by deadline, but I care too much about the story to wreck it with an insincere ending.
So tomorrow, I shall be attempting to mafia via cellphone from the con. I should probably sleep now since it will be a very long day and I'm only about 75% healthy.
muses: ie,