Title: Dead Walking Men
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Characters: Teyla, Radek, Sumner, Chuck, Sheppard
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,111
Warning: A little death!fic-y - there's zombies - but it sorta gets better
sg1_five_things prompt set 144: “Five crises averted by Teyla”
For AU Bingo fill: “Alt History: Personal History Changed”
For Dark Bingo Fill: “Job Related Trauma”
And for 10Tropes: “Zombie Apocalypse”
And for Ancient City Bingo Fill: "It's About Team"
Captain Teyla Emmagen lifted the P-90 and sighted the target. She hated doing this, hated everything that had happened in the past months. But she had taken an oath when she joined the SGC all those years ago; she had vowed to protect innocent lives. It pained her that she was now protecting those lives from the people she had come to call her own after the death of all the Athosians at the hands of the Replicators. From her perch on the balcony, she followed him as he crept along between the buildings.
At least he was outside. It was so much worse when she had to spill blood inside the halls of the city. There were stains on the floors that would never come out, constant reminders of those who had fallen in the weeks following the outbreak. It was bad enough when they fell, but then they rose again.
She could have left this one to one of the others. But she felt this was her duty. He was one of hers, a teammate. She owed it to him to be the one to take him down. This would be the last one; he was the last of her original team. It had hurt to shoot McKay, when he had started walking again. Sheppard had offered to do it, but Teyla could not allow him to take on that burden, he and McKay were too close. So she had done it. She had fired the shot that had splattered McKay’s brains all over the wall outside the infirmary when he had escaped from the morgue.
Something inside her had bent as she was carrying out her job, but with McKay’s blood on her hands, it had broken. She would never be whole again. McKay had been more than team, he had been family.
If she thought herself broken when she had done McKay, she shattered when it was Ronon in her sights, Ronon that she had to stop with a bullet between his eyes when he changed from friend to mindless animal.
And now, it was Sheppard that she hunted. But he would be the last. When he was gone, she could turn the gun upon herself and pull the trigger and end this horrible existence. Everyone else that mattered to her was gone.
A noise behind her made her spin, wary of one of the risen coming up behind her. When she died, she intended it to be in the manner of her choosing, and she intended to make sure her body would not walk again after her death.
“Teyla? Is that you Teyla?”
“You know it’s me Radek.” She lowered her weapon and smiled at the nervous scientist. “You look terrible, my friend.”
He rushed to her side and clasped her forearms. “You must take this device. I have calibrated it for the day the virus came through from Earth. You must make certain that they do not open the Gate.”
“Radek?” She noticed then that he was very, very sick. His face was sunken, his eyes filled with blood. He was one of the walking ones; he had the virus but had not yet died. One of the lucky ones, when his body burned out, it would not rise upon his death.
“What is this?” She looked at the tubular item he was pressing into her hands.
“This is one of Janus’ devices. It will allow your consciousness to exchange places with your consciousness from an earlier time. Press this button and it will be done.”
“Why do you not do this yourself, Radek?”
He coughed painfully. “If it does not work, there are two others. I will need to explain it to someone else. I came to find you first. Please. Make it stop, Teyla. You can do this. It will only get worse after today. The virus will mutate, we’re all going to die everyone in the Pegasus Galaxy. Stop this, Teyla, do not let the virus come here from Earth.”
She took the device and nodded. She pressed the button for her team, for Atlantis, she could do this.
The world turned inside out.
“So then what happened?” McKay asked, leaning over the lunch table towards Ronon.
The big man smiled, “Then I told her that I could take care of her sister, but the ewe would cost extra!”
Teyla blinked and looked around at the clean mess hall and the happy people. It had worked. She smiled at Rodney, leaned over and kissed Ronon’s cheek. Then she stood up and ran from the mess hall.
She pounded up the stairs towards Colonel Sumner’s office. He looked up in surprise as she rapped on the doorframe.
“Captain Emmagen?”
“Earth will dial in this afternoon at thirteen hundred hours. It is imperative that you do not lower the shield. The SGC has been compromised by a virus; this virus will wipe out everyone in this city. You must believe me, Colonel.”
“You are a woman not given to excessive outbursts, and you have earned my trust ten times over, Captain.”
He looked at his watch. Teyla glanced at her own. It was thirteen hundred now. Radek had programmed it very close. She ran to Chuck’s side as the Gate began to light up.
“Eighth chevron locked, it’s Earth. Receiving SGC IDC,” Chuck said and looked to Sumner, his hand hovering over the controls. Teyla reached over and seized his wrist as she looked to Sumner as well.
Sumner pressed a button. “SGC, this is Colonel Sumner, what is the status there?”
There was no answer.
“The IDC could have been sent electronically with the updates,” Chuck theorized.
“Is there a command packet?”
Chuck glanced at the computer monitor and nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Slide over.” Sumner bent over the computer and opened the email from the SGC that was addressed to him. “There’s a warning here. There is a virus spreading over Earth, they are warning us not to send anyone through until further notice. They also said the databurst would be set on auto. Looks like you were right Chuck.”
Sumner stood up and rubbed the back of his neck. “This is bad news. I’ll read through the rest of it and prepare a statement. Good work, Captain. Now come and tell me how you knew about this crisis.”
As she followed Sumner, Sheppard came up the stairs. Relieved to see him alive, Teyla turned and ran to him, throwing herself into his arms and raining kisses over his face.
The End