Title: A Host of Dreams
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Series: Evil Chuck #4
Character: OC -Dah’te, Chuck, Teyla
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 921
Note: A comment fic from Stargate Mafia.
Prompt: for Dark Bingo Fill: “Nightmares”
It had not been as easy to pretend to be the Gate technician as Dah’te had anticipated. People were casting suspicious glances his way. Jonas Quinn had brought people up to the Control Room and they had given him odd glances and stood on the balcony speaking for a long time before they went away again. Amelia Banks had not spoken to him at all that day.
The host consciousness was fighting him, with more strength than Dah’te and the others had believed the weak human would have. It was taking a great deal of concentration for him to maintain control.
When he attempted to sleep, after seeing to Jonas Quinn, Dah’te had found it difficult to rest. The host was screaming constantly, enough that Dah’te’s head hurt. He took pain pills he found in the host’s bathroom. He finally fell asleep, after tossing and turning to get comfortable for what seemed like hours.
People were chasing him. He could hear voices shouting in anger coming from the corridor behind him. He ran, the corridor seemed endless in front of him. There was a door ahead. He ran to it and it refused to open at his command. He pounded on it frantically. When it slid open, Zil’ma stood there with her hands on her hips, frowning. He had failed and because he had failed, she was dead now. Just like Oorm, he had failed there too and Oorm had been killed by the stupid humans.
He went to his knees, then fel forward onto his face, begging their forgiveness for his failure.
Zil’ma kicked him in the head and called him worthless. Oorm opened the door and the people that had been chasing him swarmed through. They seized him and began tearing at him violently.
He screamed.
The noise of his own scream woke him. He sat up in the bed, sweat pouring down his face. The host was pounding at him again. He told it to be silent. It ignored him.
He tried to sleep again, but each time, a violent nightmare woke him. He finally gave up, showered and dressed in the host’s uniform and left the host’s quarters.
On the way to the mess hall, he saw the Athosian woman coming out of the lift. She smiled and walked over to him. “Hello Chuck. You are up a bit early this morning.” He nodded. It seemed the woman intended to accompany him to get his meal.
“Did you sleep poorly last evening?” she asked as they piled food on their trays and he led the way to an empty table.
“Is it obvious?” he asked, perhaps a bit more sharply than he should have.
“You seem tired.” She put jam on her muffin and watched him as he began to eat. Her attentive stare was unnerving to him.
“I have been having disturbing dreams.”
“Well, it is no wonder with all of the killings.” she reached over the table and squeezed his hand.
Dah’te nodded and bent his head over his food. He said no more to her. He rushed through his meal.
“I’ll see you around, Teyla.” He said as he picked up his tray and left the mess hall.
Teyla watched Chuck leave and touched her finger to her radio. “Colonel Carter, I had the opportunity to observe Chuck just now. There is something seriously out of the ordinary about him. The Chuck I know would not have casually dismissed the deaths that have happened on base. He complained of nightmares and looked as if he had not slept. He did not offer me a single word of condolence about my loss. That is not like him at all. I thought I should bring it to your attention.”
“I see. Rodney is setting up extra surveillance; I’ll have him put Chuck on the list. If there is enough cause today, I’ll order him to the infirmary for some tests. Thank you Teyla, you might have identified a serious problem we were not aware of.”
The orders were odd. They wanted the doppelganger of Colonel Sheppard silenced again. Dah’te wondered if another dose of the paralytic would do serious harm to the being. It wasn’t human, after all, merely a copy of a human.
There was not much of the amnesia agent left. He probably only had one dose after this, then it would be gone. He wondered if the master plan was going to work, they had lost two of their own in the past days. Perhaps they were close to failure.
He screamed in his mind at the host, trying to tamp down the bothersome creature as he waited for the doppelganger to return to his quarters.
The doppelganger spotted him in the hallway, and its step faltered. “Hey, Chuck, what’re you doing slinking around?”
Dah’te moved close, reaching out to stroke a hand along the doppleganger’s throat. “I wanted to talk to you. Privately.” He said, letting his voice go husky.
“Is that so?”
Dah’te struck, jabbing the needle of the paralytic into the doppelganger’s throat. The effect was instantaneous, the body went limp. Grabbing one of the pest’s wrists in his hand, Dah’te waved the limp hand over the door control. He dragged his semi-conscious victim inside and administered the amnesia drug. He left the pretend Sheppard on the floor.
Returning to his quarters, Dah’te settled in and tried to sleep.
But the dreams came again.