Forever Sleep

Nov 18, 2011 14:54

Title: Forever Sleep
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Lorne, Cadman, Stackhouse
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Orientation: Slash
Rating: PG
Word Count: 842

Notes: for HC Bingo Fill: “Confession in a Desperate Situation”

“We aren’t getting out of this,” Evan whispered the words that had been going through his mind for the last fifteen minutes. He raised his head and saw his teammates, Stackhouse and Cadman, staring at him.

Cadman’s eyes slid over to the still form of Doctor Hisho, rapidly cooling by the bulkhead across the way. She knew. Evan could see it in her eyes, she knew the truth.

“They’ll find us,” Stacks wasn’t ready to admit it yet.

“Not before the air runs out. Not before we freeze to death,” Laura said in a monotone.

Pressed into the corner behind the smoking ruins of the dead DHD, Evan wrapped his arms around his knees and shivered. This was ridiculous. “Guys, we should sit together.” Laura immediately crawled over, wrapped her arm around Evan’s shoulders and huddled close. After a minute, Stackhouse moved to sit beside Laura, the weird foiled material of the emergency blanket he had wrapped around him making a weird crinkling noise as he settled in to share body heat.

Evan knew it was hopeless. Eventually Atlantis would piece the information together and figure out that they had been chased through the Gate from their original location and they might even find the address for this abandoned space station. But not in time to save his team. Laura said, “Even if they dial in, we have no way of dialing out.”

“Doctor Hisho might be the lucky one,” Stackhouse mumbled.

“He’s dead,” Laura replied.

Stacks shrugged. “He’s not feeling the cold. He doesn’t have to smell those things either.” Stacks tossed his head towards the corpses of the aliens that had shot up this Gate Room, killed their geek and destroyed the DHD.

They sat in silence for a while before Evan took a deep breath and said, “David won’t know. They won’t tell him right away. He’ll have to hear it third or forth hand.”

“David? Doctor Parrish?” Laura asked.

“Yeah. I should’ve left a note, should have made him an emergency contact. He shouldn’t find out that way.”

Stackhouse was staring at him. “I didn’t know you were… rotten way for anyone to hear.”

Miserable, thinking about David, Evan leaned into the hug Laura gave him. He slid his hand up to grasp hers where it rested on his upper arm and intertwined their fingers. “I should have told someone.”

“Don’t go to sleep, sir!” Laura’s voice snapped Evan awake, jolting him upright.

“I’m not.”

She bumped her forehead to his. “Liar.”

“So cold,” Stackhouse chattered. He was literally wrapped around Cadman, his blanket around his shoulders, hers around his legs, trapping the heat as best they could.

“It’s your turn, sing something, sir,” Laura whispered. They had started taking turns singing or chanting or speaking the lyrics to songs in order to stay awake, knowing if they went to sleep, they would likely never wake again. Evan started to laugh.

Stacks looked around Laura and asked, “What’s funny?”

“What if the last words I say or think about are Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves?”

“Thanks, sir, now you’ve got my last thoughts wondering if you’re into the drag scene, and how you’d look in a Cher wig.” Laura poked his ribs through his tac vest and chuckled.

“I don’t have the legs.”

As it turned out, the last thing he thought about before he slipped into what promised to be forever sleep was David.


“Lorne. Evan Lorne, wake up.” Someone was roughly shaking his shoulder.

“Go way.”

“Uh-uh, buddy, not until you open your eyes. I have coffee, real coffee.”

He smelled it as it was passed under his nose. He sniffed, inhaling the lovely, bracing odor. He opened his eyes to see Colonel Sheppard peering into his face. “Sir?” he whispered in confusion. “How?”

“Zelenka tracked you down. We sent the MALP through, saw the DHD and planned accordingly.” Sheppard pressed the thermos into his hands and held it steady as Evan raised it to his lips and sipped at it. It was just how he liked it too, light and sweet with a little vanilla. He turned his head, and saw Stackhouse being treated by a medic. Cadman was sitting up, wrapped in a real blanket, talking to Ronon.

“My team?”

“A little chilled, maybe some mild hypothermia, but you should all be okay. Here, I’ve got a wool blanket for you.” Evan leaned forward and Sheppard tucked the blanket around him.

He took another gulp of the coffee, relishing the warmth as it slid down his throat. His teeth were clattering together as he said, “Thanks, sir. Hey, how’d you know about the vanilla?”

“Doctor Parrish told me.” Sheppard met his eyes and gave a brisk nod, “Don’t worry.” Then he slapped Evan’s shoulder and said, “I’m going to go check on progress with the mobile dialing device. Rodney, how’s it coming?”

Evan watched him go. His secret, apparently, was now completely out of the bag. His team and his CO knew. The relief he felt was a different kind of warmth. He didn’t have to lie anymore.

fandom: stargate atlantis, sga: stackhouse, sga: laura cadman, rating: pg, pairing: lorne/parrish, bingo: hurt comfort, size: 500 to 999, z_2011 hc card 2, hc: confession, orientation: slash

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