Title: Ten Unrequited LovesFandoms: Torchwood, Doctor Who, Farscape, Stargate Atlantis, SG-1, Lord of the Rings, Angel, Star Trek - Classic, Alias
Pairings: Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness, The Doctor/Jack Harkness,John Crichton/Aeryn Sun, Teyla Emmagen/John Sheppard, Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard, Aragorn/Eowyn & Arwen, Wesley & Illyria/Fred, Captain Kirk, Yeoman Rand, Chiana/John, Will Tippen/Sydney Bristow/Michael Vaughn
Format: Ten Recs
Rating: Gen on All
Orientation: Gen, slash
Notes: Angst! A bunch of angst. A whole lot of angst and unrequited love. Mostly videos, with a few fics tossed in.
Prompt: Hurt Comfort Bingo Fill: "Unrequited Pining"
What's Left of Me Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing: Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness
Format: Youtube Video
Video Maker: hparmitagefan
Rating: PG
Link Set to Nick Lachey's song "What's Left of Me"
This song broke my heart the first time I heard it. The video maker must have honed in on the same lyric that got me:
I've been dying inside,
Little by little,
No where to go,
But going out of my mind
In endless circles,
Running from my self until,
You gave me a reason for standing still
Dang, if that isn't Ianto Jones! After his girlfriend got all cybermen-ized, he was just drifting without purpose and then he met Jack and his life got better. Well, at least until the Children of Earth miniseries, anyway.
Because of You Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: The Doctor/Jack Harkness
Format: Youtube Video
Video Maker: clarrisani
Rating: Gen
LinkSet to Kelly Clarkson's "Because of You"
This vid is a blend of Doctor Who and Torchwood, from Jack's POV. A nice little look at how Jack has to go one alone, immortal, for eternity after The Doctor leaves him. It meshes well with the lyrics and mood of the song, in my opinion.
The lyric-clip that I thought was particularly well chosen was this one:
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Farscape John and Aeryn #3 Moment Hanger Scene from Dog with Two Bones
Fandom: Farscape
Characters/Pairing: John Crichton/Aeryn Sun
Format: Youtube Video
Video Maker: susanmark
Rating: Gen
Link This is the infamous scene:
Aeryn: "Do you love Aeryn Sun?"
John: "Beyond hope."
*BAWLS* I cried the first time I saw it, and I still sniffle all these years later. Of course, if you've seen the series, you know how it all ends, but we were left with this horrible pining cliffhanger breakup at the time!
Goodbye My Almost LoverFandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Teyla Emmagen/John Sheppard
Format: Youtube Video
Video Maker: sariou1967
Rating: Gen
LinkSet to "Goodbye My Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy
This video made me love this song, which I had never heard before following a link to the video. A lovely choice of music for the relationship that never quite panned out on the series, but should have, dammit! The editing is very well done, with the best John & Teyla moments from the series mixed into a what-if storyline. Nicely done, I don't often see the 'story' video makers are trying to tell with their clips, but this one was done right.
The chorus of the song is a good summation of the John & Teyla relationship that wasn't:
Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
Close Enough to FlyingFandom: SG-1/Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagen
Format: Fiction (4,650 words)
Author: skieswideopen
Rating: PG-13
Author's Summary: John and Teyla accompany Cam to his parents' house in Kansas to help with some home repairs. Written for recipient: xela_fic, who wanted a will they/won't they first time piece.
LinkThis was one of the first 'flyboys' fics I came across and to this day it remains one of my favorites. Skies handles John and Cam so well, capturing the essence of each character while putting a new spin on canon.
While this story isn't exactly "Unrequited Pining" - it has so much pining woven through it on Mitchell's part that I couldn't leave it off this list. My little romantic heart goes thumpity thump every time Cam misses the chance to say something.
Everytime Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Aragorn/Eowyn & Arwen
Format: Youtube video
Video Maker: andiscribbles
Rating: Gen
LinkSet to: “Everytime” by Brittany Spears
Now, ordinarily, I am not a fan of Brittany Spears, but I liked this song set to this video. It fit the mood and the longing of Eowyn. The vidder picked really good shots of Eowyn, capturing the longing looks she gave Aragorn. *sniffles* Poor Eowyn, she never had a chance to get Aragorn, his heart belonged to Arwen. But not for lack of trying, and the vidder caught that in this video.
Love’s Apocalypse NowishFandom: Angel
Characters: Wesley & Illyria/Fred
Format: Youtube Video
Video Maker: donnelly92274
Rating: Gen
Link Set to: "The End of the World" by Rob Dickinson
This one isn’t mushy, and that’s why I like it. It shows the pining of both Wes and Illyria, in the few reaction/emotion shots from the series where we got Illyria being anything other than violent, haughty or annoyed.
You might wonder why I rec’d this in an unrequited mix. I think Illyria wanted Wesley, but he didn’t want her, and stayed true to Fred. In this way, I felt bad for Illyria, poor little goddess of nothing left with no worshippers and a dead world and stuck in a body not her own.
Wes and Fred/Illyria have a doomed love, which colors any piece about them, but this one isn’t maudlin.
The vidder chose to blur the images, which would usually annoy me, but the overall style worked with the music and the scenes chosen.
The lyrics of this song are particularly suited to the finale of Angel and Wesley’s end:
If the end of the world is near
Where would you choose to be?
If there were five more minutes
Of air
Would you panic and hide?
Or run for your life?
Or stand here and spend them with me?
If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I make you happy?
So it finally came to pass
I saw the end of the world
I saw the madness unfold
Like some primal burial
I looked back at her
And the moment of truth between her and me
Bad RomanceFandom: Star Trek
Characters/Pairing: Captain Kirk, Yeoman Rand
Format: Youtube video
Video Maker: theoreticalpixy
Rating: Gen
LinkThe vidder did this tongue in cheek, but dang if it doesn’t work to fit the prompt! Poor Rand, in love with the manslut Kirk. One has to wonder what would have happened if Rand had not been “transferred” (actress fired) off the Enterprise.
The pining is on both sides in this one. The vidder cut it wonderfully; this is an entertaining watch, even if you hate Lady Gaga. It works with the sound off, but it is better along with the music. The smoldering “I want you” look at 2:19 is awesome when looked at with the slant towards being unrequited pining on Rand’s part. Rand wants the Captain, but on her terms, not because he is mad with space sickness or some other terror of the week.
Someone Like YouFandom: Farscape
Characters/Pairing: Chiana/John
Format: Youtube Video
Video Maker: nebarirebel
Rating: Gen
Link Set to: “Someone Like You” by Kings of Leon sung by Pixie Lott
I love Chiana. I love Crichton. I don’t ship them, but I can totally see Chiana pining(and panting at times) after John. I don’t think it would have worked out, and I am very glad the writers never set up a real ‘love triangle’ even though the elements were all there. I think that would have detracted from the John/Aeryn dynamic.
However, it is very obvious that Chiana cares for John and wants him, and knows she can’t have him. At 1:37 in the vid, you can see John breaking away from the kiss and the denial/rejection right there of Chiana’s advances. Poor Chi.
This video is a nice mix of the John/Chiana scenes, with lots of longing looks on Chiana’s part. I like the female voice on the cover, it blends with the POV of Chiana and expresses the longing nicely.
GreyFandom: Alias
Characters/Pairing: Will Tippen, Sydney Bristow/Michael Vaughn
Format: Fiction
Author: Geogirl
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,591
Link Summary: A ‘song” fiction, prompted by a song “Grey Street” by Dave Matthews Band
You can read between the lyrics on this one and still get the story. Having just re-watched a lot of Alias, I found myself sniffling again at this piece. Will was so in love with Sydney, but he was only ever a friend to her. Poor Will, a victim of love if ever there was one on television.
Told from Will’s POV, the author has upped the language level a notch or two, which is totally and perfectly fitting to this character, a professional journalist. Will is watching Sydney, and watching Sydney and Vaughn’s rocky romance and wishing for more and that he could do more.
Unrequited pining at its best.