Upside Down

Jul 26, 2011 21:45

Title: Upside Down
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
      Series: An AU of the Telpa 'verse
Characters/Pairing: Lorne/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 18,144
Orientation: Slash
Warnings: None, this is not a death!fic, a little whump, ‘cause it’s telpa

Prompts: at the bottom

Notes: for angelyuy, because this started out as a little slashy gift and grew out of control, but she still deserves her gift. A tale that might have been from the Telpa ‘verse, if they had Keri in it

For scifiland Challenge #1 - Big Bang

Too big for LJ to stomach, it is on Dreamwidth

for the record, this is an AU of an AU and three bingo postage stamps - blame Dingo!

kb: sensory deprivation, bingo: kink bingo, kb: bondage (other), *au telpa 'verse, com: scifiland, fb: speech deprived, pairing: sheppard/lorne, z_2011 fb: card 1, bingo: fanbingo, warning: bdsm, *au keri 'verse, hc: plane crash, fandom: stargate atlantis, hc: difficult pregnancy, warning: dubcon, hc: laceration/knife wound, kb: possession/marking, kb: food, hc: mutation, bingo: hurt comfort, rating: nc-17, for: angelyuy, warning: slave!fic, orientation: slash, size: 15k to 19999

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