Title: Heartbreaker
Characters: All Arashi members
Pairings: Mostly Gen; slight Sakuraiba and some one-sided pairings
Rating: PG-13+
Warnings: Swearing. And alcohol, if that counts.
Summary: It was supposed to be the best party ever. However, with a late-comer going to the party to likely burst the bubble, what's the worst thing that could happen?
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Ohno for sure did a mistake when he pushed away both Nino and Jun without trying to understand fully the situation. But gladly Jun didn't give up on their friendship. Also, I was afraid that after the argument Ohno and Nino wouldn't talk anymore but fortunately he cleared everything up with him. Now everything can come back to normal~ But you know, now I wonder...Why Jun left his boyfriend so suddenly? I want to catch up too with things like Ohno lool.
Thanks for writing this! It was really nice to read ^^ Also, sorry for the long annoying comment...
P.S: basically you had inspiration right in front of your eyes at that party, that's some kind of...luck I guess XD
I wish I had friend like Jun, honestly XD And yes, I too want to know more about Jun and his ex LOL We all need catching up to do ;)
And of course, I wouldn't say it's "luck". More of coincidence I think XD I never really saw the fight, "Sho" and "Aiba" (yeah, I'm going to call them that haha) fought outside. I only found out when another friend went to me about it. And literally I was frustrated because I told "Sho" to just ignore "Aiba" and his new gf. And "Sho" told me allllll the details the next day. So, yeah, I wish it doesn't happen ever again. T u T
Anyway thanks again for reading! I really appreciate long comments actually XD
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