I originally got tagged by
davyn on
bakabokken to do this, but then when I tagged
bakarini , I got double-whammied by her in return. XDD; I'm a good sport, really!
Post the explanation of where your user name came from. Then tag TEN EIGHT users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged post the explanation to your page. Nope, not tagging. 8D
Of all my handles, I like this one the best, personally. 8D Rinja is a name that got coined while I was in Japan. I was part of the Amity Club at the university I was studying abroad at, and ended up going on a weekend retreat with them to Chiba (which was OMGFUN). During the recreation night, we all got name cards with our names on them (in katakana or hiragana so everyone the Japanese club members could read them, haha). My name is usually written out as リンゼー (rinzee) or リンゼイ (rinzei) in Japanese, but for some reason I got a card that was written as リンジー (rinjii) instead. Apparently, it's a closer pronunciation to my name. But it can also be interpreted as "old man Rin" (-jii can be a suffix that refers to an old man; "jii-jii" is often translated as "gramps"), so I was like, "WHUT? D:" at first. But the name kinda stuck, and I grew to actually like it. XD; (Rin-G, all kinds of fun things to do with that. 8D)
So we have this Rinjii running around, who likes wearing skirts and often leg/arm warmers. One of my Japanese friends - Tatsumi, or Tatsu - is a really funny half-Japanese half-Russian guy who has okay English skills. He was a lot of fun to hang around. But one day, he was making a comment on my arm warmers that came out as, "You look like shinobi." I raised an eyebrow (was that a compliment, or was he making fun of me?) and he thought I'd misunderstood. Of course,
nervun was laughing the whole time. "You know, ninja?" ... Yes. I know what shinobi means, Tatsu. Ninja. And then
nervun was like, "Rinjii the Ninja!" which got shortened very quickly to "Rinja". And then THAT stuck. 8DD Honestly, though, I kinda like it. XDD
Anyway, Pirates 2 came out while I was in Japan. Of course, I like joking around saying that I'm more like a pirate than a ninja (dude, I'm way too clumsy to be a ninja XDD), so...
rinja_pirate it was! I'd kinda wanted a graphics journal anyway to avoid cluttering up my other journals with stuff that my f-list might not necessarily care anything about. XD; Sometimes I tromp around as "kaizoku no rinja" (Rinja the Pirate, in Japanese), but it's pretty much the same thing. 8D
And that is all. Whee~!