Jul 28, 2006 04:19
next to each number, leave a comment about 10 different people. (one for each person.) don't say who the person is.
1) i honestly think you're a bitch, a slut... what have you. i hate your guts and after you "attempted" to put a wedge inbetween my friendship with another person, ive despised you since that day. i hope you die a terrible death. by the way.. your face is nothing more than a big connect-the-dots.
2) what more can i say... i fucking love you to death. ive known you a great while and i just wish i could tell you how much you mean to me. i honestly want you to be the bearer of my children... our children. i want to spend an eternity with you. i want us to give a big "fuck you" to everyone whos hurt us in the past and just be happy.
3)you're fake... a fucking showboat. all you do is strive for attention and you think your the greatest thing next to sliced cheese but get over it. youre ugly and nothings going to change that.
4) you. we havent talked in along while. i feel distant from you more than ever. i dont know what it is that made it this way but it is this way. one things for sure... youll always be special in my heart. and if i ever start a family... EVER... i want you to be the godmother of my daughter. i love you through all the bullshit weve gone through over there years... whether it was between us or in our own personal lives.
5) you. make up your fucking mind. one day you love a person. the next you hate them. then you miss them. fucking pick a feeling for longer than a day. ps... drugs and alcohol arent going to fix your boy troubles. AND im glad i got over you. youre pathetic.
6) i love your big tits and i want them in my mouth.
i couldnt think of anyone else to put in here. im very aggro and i do not regret it nor apologize for what i said. guess it comment it. do what you must.