Heres to another :)

Feb 23, 2012 02:31

Sometimes you gotta listen:
A friend slipped a clue to me today: I should blog for more than just me and Jonathan. I should blog for the world. The only reason for this blog was my method of artistically communicating with Jonathan and writing for myself so that I could look back and analyze certain times of my life. Each little word or paragraph would trigger a memory.
This is now my latest dilemma then: do I make this journal into a journal for everyone to read, with better blogging and careful planning... In doing which would expose my whole past and fucked up mistakes but it would be an action of empowerment to let my scars show and be real with the world.
On the other hand I could start fresh. Keep this one just as my day to day thoughts and feeling that people can read but generally don't. It's more for me and Jonathan. So what do I do?
Create a new one sounds like a good idea. Keep this one ad my cute little jot ideas as they come diary and make the other into really blogging; into really being a writer?
I think I've made my decision. It helps so much to write out how you feel.
I needed this little writing session. Goodnight!

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