Being a warrior

Jan 26, 2012 01:51

Knowledge is not wisdom.
Happy is everything. Happiness is the root to the meaning of life.
There is no higher purpose than offering service.
Ask better questions!
Eat slow. Savour each bite.
Everyone tells you what's good for you and what to do. They don't want you to find your own answers, they want you to believe theirs. Stop gathering information from outside yourself and start gathering from within. People are not their thoughts.
The mind is a reflex organ.
Take out the mental trash!!!! Throw out everything you don't need in your brain. Live in just the moment. There's never nothing going on. The only thing that matters in life is this moment. Here and now.
Sometimes you gotta lose your mind before you come to your senses. Everything has a purpose and it's up to you to find it. Get to know yourself. Spend time alone with your thoughts and see what information you can pull from the source.
The people who are the hardest to love, are usually the ones that need it most.
There are no ordinary moments.
There is no better. You will never be better or less than anyone else.
Absolute vulnerability is the biggest courage. Act! Do not react! There is no stopping or starting; there is only doing.
The journey brings us happiness not the destination.
Who are you? - this moment!

<3 Jon if you read this, I hope you are ok. My thoughts have been with you all night. I finally found a human who insipires my soul and who I can share my spiritual personal growth with. please universe, keep him safe and sound for me! :)

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