Nov 01, 2005 23:26
Oh, and pops bought a laptop just now. We were supposed to be getting my new one, but he's the one who brought one home instead!!! We'll be getting mine soon.. daw. T_T Then we fetched mums from the airport and went out for some noodles. Denise was too lazy to go. 9_9
Anyway, how do you teach a dinosaur the basics of computer technology? O_O I was installing some stuff in the laptop, and I tried explaining what I was doing (with the help of analogies, like "installers are like packages, the real stuff's inside and you gotta extract it out first" YEs yes, it's corny I know, but how else can it be explained?!) But my most important lesson here was "when in doubt, consult achi first!!!!!!!".
Ah well, good luck, pops.
*sigh* I want my new lappytoppy~ T-T