New deviation... Click on the picture to go to the deviant art page if you want to see a bigger version.
Made with PS-CS2
I just realized that it takes thousands/millions/billions of years for starlight to get to Earth, that means the light we see in the night sky is millions/billions of years old. And we've only been around for 2007 years. Well, maybe 3000 just for allowance.
I wonder what all that space is created for... and why are we just a tiny speck in space and time?! It's pretty hard to believe that compared to all this, our existence is like a small blip in the whole picture of the universe. It makes you just want to scream out loud, doesn't it? But who's going to see it? In a snapshot of the galaxy, we'd probably have to zoom in a million times to see the infinitesimal pixel that is us.