Reason I should remain silent when in hibernation mode...

Feb 07, 2009 12:27 social skills go down to zero :D

One of my housemates has finished her course, and so she's pretty much had time to chill, travelling around, meeting friends etc, for a couple of months. She does intend to eventually get a job etc, but for now it's relaxation time.

So it's around noon and I'm spacing out in the kitchen over my laptop and my cup of coffee.

HER: Good morning! Wow, I really need to get going. I've been lazing around since...
ME: ...January?
HER: ...10:30. Wait, WHAT?!
ME: Nothing, I said nothing. Nothing at all. 0_0

The reason why I'm in hibernation mode is part recovery from tequila, part humiliation about deeds done due to tequila. Conclusion: Tequila is evil and must DIE. Rather, Cheeta must not consume even two shots of it, for fear of puking and being ill all night and the next day. Very odd, because I can consume large amounts of other dubious beverages without doing anything more drastic than giggling and dancing a lot.

Bleh. No. More. Tequila. Ever.
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