Apr 23, 2009 10:16
Not much happening here -I got an old compuiter from my cousin when he bought a new one. So now I have two. Thing is his runs linux which Ive never tried, but thought I would. Maybe would make it easier to get a job ifI now that too. So Ill try. Rite now its on here beside this one, and Im looking at it - cant even figure out how to list the contents of a directry! He (my cousin Paul) showeed me how to get an window to type in. Commandline! Ive never even done that on windows!
He made a list somewhere of how to do simple things, but I dont know where I puit it, of course ;) Typical me!
So, anyone know of a good site for learnig to use linux for a total newbee?
It's going better on the writing front! 6 weeks left of the course and even my teacher says Im doing better at spelling and grammar. Hopes I can write a short story this summer, but perhaps not...